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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. I send that many a week asking why they canceled Hawaii Five-O
  2. Here is an interesting piece on the constitutionality of it. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0310/34508.html The most interesting part of the article to me. More Hypocrisy "Any challenge likely would be based on two Supreme Court rulings, one in 1983 and the other in 1998, in which the court held that there is only one way to enact a law under the Constitution: it must be passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the president. In the more recent of the two rulings, a 1998 decision striking down the line-item veto, the court specifically said that the bills approved by both houses must contain the “the same text.” Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.), for whom the procedure under consideration by House Democrats is now named, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) filed amicus briefs arguing for the result the court reached in the line-item veto case."
  3. Pharmaceutical companies never promised anyone free drugs, Obama has. So you tell me which is worse a promise never made, or a promise broken. By the way does this NICE board qualify as a death panel?
  4. Oddly enough another government program fails to do what it was intended for.
  5. What's even more amazing is that the two groups are from the same political party.
  6. Not only was it not fixed, he signed a stimulus bill that doubled the deficit. He promised change and what he has given us is a lot more of the same.
  7. Eric's chief of staff used to work for Barney. http://www.legistorm.com/person/Joseph_Racalto/12882.html
  8. The problem with that line of thinking, it's based on the premise that the voters are voting based purely on emotion, and not on issues. And as long as the LIBDEMS believe that, they will fail, and I will be happy.
  9. It would be nice if our politicians would do it on their own.
  10. That will never happen, they will spend it on another earmark, or some new government program.
  11. Did Obama register? “We are ..Days Away From Fundamentally Transforming The United States of America” BO
  12. Maybe we need to send some NYSDOT drivers down there to show the amateurs how it is done.
  13. Internet usage policy restricts access to this web site. Reason: The category "Intimate Apparel/Swimsuit" is filtered. Requested URL: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010_swim...s/ana-ivanovic/ Please review the internet usage policy stated in C.I. 12.8 on the Altair website and direct any further questions to your local service desk.
  14. He has managed to piss off almost everyone that voted for him!!!!
  15. What a great argument you have there. I would say that anyone who voted for Obama is, in Rahm Emanuel's words "a !@#$ing retard"
  16. And they promoted the "scientific consenus" which was a group of climbers.
  17. You forgot - E.) drinking so much you pass out and miss the entire game.
  18. Well you wouldn't want to hurt the non-working people, by like making them get a job or something.
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