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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. where in the world is carmen san diego
  2. Well what do you want him to do LEAD? hahahahahahahahaha
  3. Not that there is anything wrong with that
  4. http://www.cliffviewpilot.com/beyond/1468-...aving-oral-sex-
  5. She opened for deep purple in Rochester and we booed her off the stage. Deep Purple was horrible, they were monotone must have been the sound guy?
  6. Before any one asks. http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2010-0...deral-pay_N.htm "When you look at the actual duties, you see that very few federal jobs align with those in the private sector," she says. She says federal employees are paid an average of 26% less than non-federal workers doing comparable work. Right
  7. Not sure if Obama has the balls to fire him. This admin is such an ametuerish group, they will probably fire him and replace him with some one from the Salvation Army.
  8. Like any of these guys are smart enough for that!!!!!!
  9. Well, they busted the "white" guy. Faisal Shahzad What part of the healthcare bill do you think he was opposed to? http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/05/nyregion...?exprod=myyahoo
  10. Just remember to send the "thank you" note to the whitehouse after he passes it.
  11. God I hope so. I would hate to think that she would ever reproduce. http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/US-Solicitor...ws/ynews_ts1652
  12. Two things : You fail to trust people, so you take away my choice. I like to have a choice. But you want to legislate it away.
  13. Taxation without representation. Seems I learned about that in history class. Paterson says we can't afford the election, but we can spend $800,000 on TWO double wides for conjugal visits at the Romulus correctional facility.
  14. Charity should not be a government program. How it should work. I see a person in need and hand them $10 they get $10. How it does work. The Government sees a needy person and takes $10 from me. Pays the collection staff $2 Pays the gevernment contractor $2 to process the paper work Pays themselves $2 Pays the delivery person $2 Gives the needy person $2 Which way works better?
  15. Do you think it will take 20? I'm think that before the actual benefits kick in the plan will be broke and they will be looking for a new way to pay for it. Repeal and replace!!!
  16. What they game showed was the ability of the coaching staff to develop a system that fit the abilities of the players. For the last 2 decades we have been subjected to watching coaches force players into "system" that did not suit their strengths. I hope that they are finally past that.
  17. No need for proof, if liberals claim it, it must be true.
  18. If you answer yes to one or more of these questions you are in. Have you ever "goofed" up your tax return using Quicken? Have you ever registered to vote in more than one district? Have you ever lobbied for a socialist program? Have you ever read anything by Saul Alinsky?
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