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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Like grass is green and the sky is blue, somethings don't need to be said.
  2. But they can't prove my SUV is causing it!!!!!!!!! http://www.priweb.org/ed/finger_lakes/nystate_geo3.html "These lakes all formed over the last two million years by glacial carving of old stream valleys." Was it Indian smoke houses that caused these glaciers to melt and leave such a great vacation area for rich yuppies?
  3. I thought it was the drunks in the stands that heckle small children wearing dolphins jerseys?
  4. My question is will the bonds be paid off before the BOE is asking for a more modern building that will better suit the needs of the kids? My guess is no.
  5. *******'s Internet usage policy restricts access to this web site. Reason: The category "Pornography" is filtered. Requested URL: http://www.jordancarvermodel.com/ Please review the internet usage policy stated in C.I. 12.8 on the ****** website and direct any further questions to your local service desk.
  6. I know I would be aggravated if I got pulled over with a BAC 3.5 times over the limit.
  7. I learned a long time ago not to read TSW and drink at the same time.
  8. While I appreciate a good essay question, could you please make this multiple choice with at least 5 choices?
  9. Come on, you have to live on the edge. After I yell, the wife asks why don't you throw the breaker, my reply, it just tripped and I saved walking down to the basement and back up.
  10. Government employees that stay home and don't get a pension!!
  11. Considering that very few of this admin has any true expeirence and that everything they are doing should work "in theory", the theory that it could have been worse fits very well. Hope and Change and Fairy tails.
  12. But when the skids marks get too dark it is time to replace the boxers. I think it is darn close to that time. It's been obvious for pretty much my entire life. That hasn't stopped 80% of voters from voting the same way every single election. I pray that the tide is turning on this.
  13. He will never let facts get in the way of blaming Bush. FUBO
  14. Because if a gay couple asked to be married in the Catholic church and the pastor refuses, he will be "discriminating" against them, even though everyone should know by now that the Catholic church teaches that homosexuality is wrong. If you don't agree with that you are not Catholic and should not be asking to be married there, but they won't let that stop them.
  15. They choose an acronym and then make the title fit USA PATRIOT Act
  16. They are after those too!!! http://www.kniferights.org/index.php?optio...13&Itemid=1
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