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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. https://www.the-sun.com/news/883434/shoppers-chase-woman-grocery-store-mask-new-york/
  2. That's your opinion. You have no substantive argument. Arrogantly dismissing source to avoid any real discussion.
  3. You have no substantive argument. Arrogantly dismissing source to avoid any real discussion.
  4. Early estimates were 1.7 million dead, Trump saved 1.5 million people. https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/03/16/916661/coronavirus-covid-19-deaths-projections-united-states-italy/ FTA: Worst-case scenarios from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say there could be 1.7 million deaths in the US, mostly among older people. Argue the material not the source please!!!
  5. recovery rate continues to climb. virus gonna virus.
  6. I love it when I see someone stick both their thumbs under the mask to adjust it. Anything on the hands is now on the mask and vise versa. ?
  7. The covid death cult mourns the decreasing numbers.
  8. If you stay 6 feet away there is no "public health hazard" effing NAZI
  9. I have to wear one at work. I will not wear on at big stores, I don't get close to people, thats not new. If I go to locally owned stores I put it on because the shopping areas are smaller and it's harder to maintain distance. I wear one in church because the dicktater says so
  10. You have to remember they have high expectations. When Obama spoke the sea level stopped rising.
  11. But it shows that HCQ is effective, So Fauci must not have read the Henry Ford study. I can forgive him for that, he was busy trying to invest in gates vaccine.
  12. Correct, it has to be combined with Zinc. https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/adjunctive-therapy/zinc/ https://www.henryford.com/news/2020/07/hydro-treatment-study
  13. The first reported cases were in December. https://www.who.int/news-room/detail/27-04-2020-who-timeline---covid-19 The November case wasn't identified until later. https://www.livescience.com/first-case-coronavirus-found.html FTA: On Dec. 27, Dr. Zhang Jixian, head of the respiratory department at Hubei Provincial Hospital, reported to health officials in China that a novel coronavirus was causing the disease; by that day, it had infected more than 180 individuals. (Doctors may not have been aware of all of those cases at the time, but only identified those cases after going back over the records, the Morning Post reported.)
  14. Not sure where you get this November thing, the WHO didn't announce that Kung Flu could be transmitted human to human until January. So you are claiming that Trump knew more than the WHO? Virus going to virus, no grandstanding by a politician is going to stop it, all we could do was slow it down. And I am certain a good statistician could show you that all the countries have about the same number of infection/100k population, the variation in numbers after factoring numbers of people tested.
  15. I believe the real question is why didn't NY close faster!!! Like in November. You think this virus is out of control? 0.28% of the worlds population has been infected.
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