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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. What is even more amazing is that they manage to convert others to their way of thinking!!!!
  2. I can agree to letting the tax cuts expire as long as they also cut spending by an equal amount. And by cut I mean CUT not reduce increases!!!!!!
  3. First I would not lie to every one and call it health "CARE" reform, because it is health insurance reform, and it's not really reform, it is government subsibizing health insurance. Then I would explain that not life is not fair and some people are going to have finacial hardships due to bad health. I would allow insurance companies to sell across state lines. Competition is always good. Then they could create a pool for the remaining 3 million "uninsured" They did not need to change everything to get to there stated goals, but their stated goals and what they really wanted are two totally different things.
  4. That's because Obama hasn't explained it well enough yet. Maybe if Nancy took some time to read it, she could expain it to us, then we would like it. And some how out of all this we will still have a "choice"
  5. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101024/ap_on_bi_ge/us_employer_health_plans
  6. Damn I tossed two in the trash last week.
  7. "Oh hey wait, that was just a campaign promise, you didn't really think I meant it"
  8. Geeze I wonder who could they blame for this? Oh thats's right It's all Bush's fault
  9. Or a Farrah Fawcett poster. http://www.moviegab.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/farrahfawcettposter.jpg
  10. If we continue this any farther I will have to start calling you names!!
  11. I'm sure all the people that are unemployed really appreciate his humor.
  12. He knew back then, he just needed to get that money out to his friends at the SEIU
  13. He could have politely thanked Nancy for the words of encouragement.
  14. With any luck the mockery will continue well beyond the years it takes to clean up the mess he has made!!
  15. Maybe he set the biscuit in her seat and it walked out with her.
  16. But if the Frenchies work until 62 they will be stealing jobs from the immigrants!
  17. One Big Ass Mistake America I think the realization has already been reached!!!
  18. They are all in such a hurry to get ahead of the crowd. Then they realize the crap they wrote and fix it.
  19. " I took the initiative in creating the Internet." Thanks for the link
  20. He didn't say it was bad, but made it sound like they were earning too much and needed to return some. http://www.taxfoundation.org/blog/show/23446.html
  21. +1 I forgot that one. There is always "I invented the internet" - AlGore
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