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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Hell, that isn't even enough for a pack of good smokes!
  3. whaaaaa It's all Bushs' fault. Stop already. Obama continues to campaign, even though he is already in office. Two years in, it's time that he start to acting like the leader of the greatest nation on earth.
  4. I am certain Ryan will ask the hardball questions, "Which golf course is your favorite" and "How do you and Michelle decide where to go on your Friday date night"
  5. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/02/world/middleeast/02iraq.html?exprod=myyahoo
  6. What will Obama do? He has already played every course in the US.
  7. So the Obama admin sues the the state of Arizona for asking for proof of citizenship, but is being heavy handed against businesses that are not verifing proof of citizenship for employees. Not sure what you mean about blindness of conservative? This is clearly anti business. From the article "Administrative arrests, usually arrests of immigrants without the proper documentation, dropped from nearly 5,200 in the fiscal year 2008 to 765 through August in fiscal year 2010. Criminal arrests of employers rose slightly, from 135 in 2008 to 150 so far in that same time period. Criminal arrests of workers dropped from 968 to 208." So what are these illegals supposed to do for income?
  8. I thought that the payment had to be so many days late before it showed on your credit report?
  9. Because they didn't care if people like you voted for them?
  10. “This is what I think most people would say is as significant a piece of legislation as we've seen in this country's history,” Obama said What standing there beating his chest telling us how great he is makes him look smaller that Jon Stewart?
  11. Because they talked slow and used small words?
  12. His arrogance is only outdone by his stupidity. Why does he stray from the teleprompter? Should we mail them some kleenex?
  13. Oh like Obama has been bipartisan!!! hahahahahahahaha
  14. I wonder if Jaun Williams will be nervous when he sees an F-150 in a parking lot?
  15. When they are talking taxes it is usually federal income tax. While I don't consider myself poor (two cars, cell phones, Directv, and kids go to private school until 6th grade) based on income and number of dependants(6), I haven't paid federal income tax in years. So the only people dishing BS is the Obama admin, when they say they are going to cut my taxes. If they let the Bush cuts expire I will pay income tax again.
  16. Nancy and her band of flying monkeys didn't have time to read the "healthcare" bill, they sure as hell don't have time to watch some nonsense on the internet (thanks Algore)
  17. How far did you get? I read three lines and quit. I think he might be conner
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