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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. two problems, they won't get the citizen support for their cuts, like Youcut is.
  2. It's not rocket science, people who work for a living want to keep their earnings. NY, NJ, PA and CA are all welfare states and soon there won't be enough people working in the private sector to maintain the government jobs and welfare recipients.
  3. How does someone so dumb make it through the day alive?
  4. After Obama won, I told my wife that Palin will not run for President, her main purpose now is to make the statements/accusations about the Lib/Dems that the real GOP candidates can't. She can be the mud flinger. This belief was reinforced over the weekend, she was on Fox and they asked if she would run in 2012, she said she would have to discuss it with the family, the whole being dragged throught the mud. Then she followed that with , well maybe I can play a support roll of some fashion. I think she is looking for a cabinet position in 2012.
  5. I think that once they pulled rick off the horse could have got out, but then Rick would have been the main course. And the second episode, why did the department store have face shields in it? Other than that it has been very good.
  6. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1110/44734.html
  7. We delivered our last two at home. (no midwife)
  8. Talk mommy into breast feeding, it's better for the kid and you get to see her boobs way more often. And it eliminates you from having to make a bottle in the middle of the night.
  9. Man that articlehas an aweful lot of info about his travel and where he is staying.
  10. I'm damn close. But they are pretty well spread out. My oldest is in college (Gettysburg) My second is a junior, then 7th, 5th, 1st and one still home(pre school in the spring)
  11. WOW, they really over analyzed a stupid Frat prank.
  12. I have six, my check is direct deposited to the grocery store.
  13. And the best part is they don't even know it.
  14. But we are all too dumb to invest our own money and save for retirement.!!!
  15. Ah there it is the old liberal "you just don't understand what we have done for you" Please continue to have that mindset, 2 more years of Obama saying "I just haven't explained it well enough" and the GOP will have all three branches. He took control of the auto manufacturers and then gave them to the unions!!!!!!!!! He "bought" major holdings in the investment companies with tax money!!!!!!
  16. Actually no, I pay no federal income tax, yet get a "refund" check because of the Bush child tax credit. It usually exceeds what I pay in SS tax.
  17. What is the O/U on how many pages he will spend trying to argue that it's not the same thing?
  18. Seriously, you need to start paying attention!
  19. In other words, a distraction. Hey, don't look at those unemployement numbers, look at Jon Stewart, he likes me.
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