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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. The point here is it is possible, but not EASY, and nobody can do it FOR you. Success takes hard work and some sacrifice.
  2. Well, they didn't decide to have a second season until after episode 2 or 3, so now they need to write and produce the 13 episodes.
  3. Have any of you donated yet? http://www.sethbenjamin.org/ I'm going to.
  4. "But problems quickly emerged. OTB became a patronage ground and infamous for loose spending." In New York, no way!!!!!! It's amazing, OTB was a cash cow, and the fricking wolves destroyed it.
  5. Go ahead and read them, "Nothing in the show is going to go down exactly the same way it does in the comic," Kirkman says. http://spoilerwatch.blogspot.com/2010/12/robert-kirkman-talks-about-last-nights.html
  6. For truck drivers and dish washers probably not so much, but a machine operator may not know how to run a newer machine. don't know how many companies are upgrading any of their systems right now. I think it is more about losing work ethic and motivation to produce.
  7. And some people (Obama included) will never understand that!!!!!!! So by your logic low taxes on the rich is what causes poor people to exist?
  8. It does kind of piss me off that the banks charge for ATM usage. When they were first putting them in they tried to sell it to the reluctant public by saying how hassle free it would be and that it would lower costs for the banks because they wouldn't have to hire more tellers to handle additional business.
  9. While they were watching the video of TS-19, Jenner said that the diease kills the host and then re-animates it, So I don't think they are all infected.
  10. I need to get into the research business, it seems to be fairly easy money.
  11. OCTOBER 2011 is what I read somewhere
  12. Watched the last edisode last night. What do you think the doctor told Rick?
  13. Really?? I thought the world loved him? You mean money is what it is all about?
  14. Yeah, it's not like it's real money or anything.
  15. I didn't say F them, I said they will find jobs. I know plenty of people who have been laid off over the last two years, and I know how many of them are just sitting there waiting for the next extension. I also know people have gone out and found jobs even when they could have stayed on unemployment. I see the want adds in the papers, people are not looking because they don't have to.
  16. Don't extend the benefits and see how fast these folks find jobs. Why would you look for work if you can live on the un-employment check?
  17. If the info is all fake, why would the government be all worked up? Unless of course they are feeding the false info to confuse our enemies.
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