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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. They continue to deny that they are the rich elite that they try to demonize.
  2. I had one, had some pain in my chest for a couple of weeks so went to see a doctor and he sent me to a cardio guy. I did the treadmill till I was sweating. After the test the Dr. said he can't be sure that there was any damage, but he could see that during the test there was no abnormall activity. I was using a total gym at the time and figure I must have pulled or torn my pec.
  3. Good, if you can live with zombie nightmares.
  4. I watch plenty of TV, most of it is Nick Jr and the Disney channel. For the short time I get the remote, I watch football, dirty jobs, mythbusters and The WalkingDead.
  5. Which is all the more reason we don't need the government running health insurance. The fact that the healthcare bill added IRS agents instead of heathcare workers should scare the hell out of anyone.
  6. I am from the US, and when I last check more than half of the US was against the Obama healthcare plan, but he forced it through with the "promise" it would lower premiums. My arguement is and always will be that the US government is not effiecient at running anything.
  7. After watching those dolts total misconstrue the mid term election results, I think that they might just spontaneously combust if obamacare is struck down.
  8. Okay, but come on, a 60% increase when the population only went up 10 percent is a little much don't you think?
  9. Right http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/12/16/cost-census-keeps-doubling-technical-problems-government-report-says/
  10. What happen, they find an old warehouse down town full of screamers?
  11. Right because we have a budget surplus that needs to be spent. It's this kind of mentality that has gotten us into this mess. The Chineses are laughing at the US for borrowing to fund this crap!!!
  12. Maybe she was the only one with a tag. Unless it's dangerous game (bear) the person with the tag is the only one allowed to shoot it. Shooting at the horizon is unsafe, however the video is not long enough to know how they got to be where they were. I would susoect they spotted that caribou from some high ground and then stalked to within shooting distance, 200-300 yards, so they would know the lay of the land and wether or not it was safe to shoot that direction. it was obvious to me her gun was off, I would have switched after the first two misses. She may have felt it was her excitment, but she managed to kill it with one shot from the other gun.
  13. No the government is not out to get us, just out to get our money. Every thing the government gets involved with is a financial disaster. USPS, AMTRAK, SS and Medcare/medicaid. The bureaucracy gets in the way, after they create a department and hire all the $100k managers they need more funding to do what they set out to do. Why can't you see that heathcare will be the same? Here is a prime example. The US Department of Energy budget. http://www.cfo.doe.gov/budget/10budget/Content/Highlights/FY2010Highlights.pdf on page 14, total corporate management $383,202,000 Do you really think this is economical?
  14. You believe in lies and fear mongering? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXkJEExyysI
  15. The kid is getting the treatment http://www.sethbenjamin.org/
  16. Last year it was given to an empty suit!! http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20025294-503544.html And he is the first to remind everyone. http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2010/12/10/statement-president-awarding-nobel-peace-prize
  17. http://spoilerwatch.blogspot.com/search/label/The%20Walking%20Dead "Because we didn’t have a two-season order going in, all of the writers were able to and did sell and set up other projects. That’s the way it works in television." "But that’s typical. And absolutely there will be writers back who were on the first season"
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