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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. So, you deny any of this has been done? Because I can prove A and B, and C should be coming any minute. Why the name calling? I bet if I look hard enough I can find people asking for everything I just listed.
  2. But based on this guys actions we sould, ban talk radio, internet forums, semi-auto handguns and late night humor.
  3. Because the Democrats and lamestream media never miss an opportunity to: A:demonize the Tea Party B:belittle Sarah Palin C: Blame George Bush
  4. Well Olberman and the lamestream media have implied it was a crazy conservative who attempted to kill a liberal Congresswoman, with no evidence to back it up.
  5. No they are not. That is a big differnece from the photo's I posted. Is there any evidence that this jackwagon ever visited Palin's site?
  6. Seems they regret it too!! http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll
  7. Okay so show me the pictures of guns to the head of dems or a beheaded Obama on Palin's website? http://cache2.asset-cache.net/xc/83137110.jpg?v=1&c=NewsMaker&k=2&d=17A4AD9FDB9CF19303D83A05122D2369E79C6F9065C2DCA0E30A760B0D811297 http://michellemalkin.com/archives/images/bushbeheaded.jpg
  8. So they should continue to ignore the will of the people?
  9. Are you kidding, Olberman said it, so it must be true!!!!
  10. I would start one that tracked when she read a bill before voting on it, but it would be a blank screen.
  11. Really when has Palin ever espoused shooting or beheading anyone(as depicted by the libretards)?
  12. Excuse me? The American people want it repealed why should they scrap it? http://www.gallup.com/poll/145496/Favor-Oppose-Repealing-Healthcare-Law.aspx
  13. And they should subtract the ten years of taxes being paid before the coverage starts.
  14. Otherwise the Democrats would never practice what they preach: http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=40889
  15. I never said that were no poor in American, but I do see as I described above. But because we are not allowed to judge people, they are provided assistance. Instead of assisting the people that I described above we should be explaining that before they are given another dollar taken from someone elses income, they should be more responsible with their own money and by necessitiesinstead of luxuries. Then there would be a lot more money to help the one that really need it.
  16. The same for the definition of "poor" The American poor own cars, cell phones, and LCD TVs are they really poor? We subsidize their food and heat as they spend on luxuries.
  17. I thought belinda may have disappeared with Ice.
  18. You beat me to it. Those other four could stand behind their OL all day and find receivers. The Bills should be looking to sign a known OL in free agency, then drafting a couple of top OL prospects. Oline needs to be a priority.
  19. I thought it was one of those pillows you stick under your wife!!
  20. Did he finally get banned, or is he on a self imposed sabatical?
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