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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. It was tough but I finally replaced my 14 year old 27" TV. Bought my first LCD, couldn't beat the prices. I run my vehicles into the ground. Get every penny out of them.
  2. So he has surrounded himself with insensitive groupies that are only concerned with promoting his image.
  3. Is there any chance that this would change the earths temperatures? BTW this would make me an Ophiuchus ???
  4. What am I wrong about, all I said was he has no class for handing out t-shirts at a memorial service. I certainly hope your defense isn't "he didn't know about them because that is what the staffers are for", because that would mean he is clueless also.
  5. I'm sure that will depend on how they are received. Negative = Obama had nothing to do with it. Positive = it was his idea I think that the WH was aware of it, they are very image oriented.
  6. They handed out t-shirts!!!!!! He has no class. http://habledash.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1035:t-shirts-slogans-and-dressing-down-liberal-media-in-obamas-tucson-speech&catid=47:latest-news&Itemid=65#
  7. Sounds lke a real genuis. If they take it, doesn't it reduce what he owes? So, the mostly likely culprits are the window installers. But what if the neighbor lady used them as a cover. My money is on the landlord/building manager.
  8. Does Joe not listen to the President? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvJJP9AYgqU
  9. Alien invasion End Times Junk made in Taiwan
  10. And the evidence was this guy was a nut case and the sheriff knew it before this happened. They had runs in with him before, and never charged him with anything.
  11. now some window licking moron is going to beat Pelosi with a mallet and you are at fault.
  12. The pigs have come to wallow, would be more appropriate.
  13. She's followed by more skull worshipping, Mein Kampf reading pyschos than he is, oh wait there is no evidence of that, but we will report it any way!!!!
  14. But who has more influence the president or a ex vice-presidential candidate? I thought the reload commet was in reference to putting republicans back in the seats.
  15. No more so than Mr. Obama saying “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” He is more influential than Sarah, so why don't they critice him?
  16. You are misrepesenting the image. It was a map, no people were were shown. http://giveusliberty1776.blogspot.com/2011/01/palin-crosshairs-nothing-to-do-with.html
  17. Instead of reporting facts the liberl media pulls an obscure image and starts blaming Palin, without any evidence that the shooter ever visited her site. This guy has a three year history of contact with Giffords, but some political image from 10 months ago pushed him over the edge?
  18. But the lamestream media always points to the right when crap like this happens.
  19. Because Fox is where I will see this: http://michellemalkin.cachefly.net/michellemalkin.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/dope.jpg http://michellemalkin.com/archives/images/bushbeheaded.jpg http://michellemalkin.cachefly.net/michellemalkin.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/1ahit.jpg These are all much worse than a map with crosshairs on it.
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