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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Sounds like a game, one poster throws out a celebrity name, and the next poster names the perfume. I'll start Betty White
  2. Umm, my point is there is dessention in the ranks. Obama is out there trying to appease everyone, and seems to not have appeased anyone.
  3. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0111/48151.html “I think it’s the wrong thing to do. I don’t think it’s helpful. It’s a lot of pretty talk, but it only gives the president more power. He’s got enough power already.”
  4. Right, consumer spending not government spending. The government produces nothing, it syphons money from the economy and puts a portion back.
  5. 90 days after enactment -- Provides immediate access to high-risk pools for people who have no insurance because of preexisting conditions. Six months after enactment -- Bars insurers from denying people coverage when they get sick. -- Bars insurers from denying coverage to children who have preexisting conditions. -- Bars insurers from imposing lifetime caps on coverage. -- Requires insurers to allow young people to stay on their parents' policies until age 26. 2011 -- Requires individual and small group market insurance plans to spend 80 percent of premium dollars on medical services. Large group plans would have to spend at least 85 percent. All this has increased premiums, that those 222 companies can't afford. So my arguement is that companies that did not get waivers are not going to add people that they will have to pay higher premiums for. Understand yet?
  6. If it isn't going into effect why are these guys getting waivers? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/12/08/big-companies-unions-win-health-care-waivers/
  7. oh really???? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3TlNsPFkyE
  8. Companies are not hiring because A: nobody is buying anything, 2: they are still trying to figure out the cost of the heathcare mandates
  9. He didn't have to, the Repuublicans are bad guys, so it has to be wrong.
  10. Yes they should. Are you afraid of guns? A New York state pistol permit is the hardest to get,no need for huckie to make it harder. We need to put nuts in the nut house and criminals behind bars.
  11. The problem in Arizona was the guy was never taken seriously, and may have been let loose because his mom worked for the county. Anything Chuckie proposes will make it harder for every one to get a gun.
  12. I don't live in 'Bama so I don't care what he said. I am more worried by Chuckies comments. http://online.wsj.com/article/APc348686b7cc849ed8c9d04b29af85273.html
  13. The outpouring of stupidity to defend this abomination was staggering. What about my pursuit of happiness by not having to buy insurance? What about the "this is not government run healthcare" lie? 10,000 irs agents to assure compliance?
  14. So what you are trying to tell me is that the WH did not choose the venue, the time, or have any knowledge of the t-shirts because of bureaucracy. But I had to listen to people tell me for years that the "idiot" Bush lied to get us into a war? Is there a slight chance that maybe you aren't as "in" as you think you are? BTW my prejudice is not irrational, I do not want this:
  15. Oh no you don't I would never have defended Bush for politicing a funeral. That's the problem I know "they all do it", but this group has no shame and have taken it to new lows and when they are called on it they cry racism or hate speech and other such nonsense. I think you underestimate them, this is what they do. I think Obama is the best spokesman the GOP has right now. The more he talks the less people like him.
  16. You are missing the point! This was all a show. All this talk of bipartisan and now togetherness. When the dems had control it was "WE WON" Now the tide has changed and he is talking we should all just get along, the America people can see the emperor has no clothes.
  17. No, what I know is that everything that this group does is orchastrated. Even the smallest details. And now there is evidence of this. Obamas defenders have said that the crowd response was spontaneous, well I think they chose the venue and the time for a reason. Remember:
  18. So you want me to believe that someone posts a blog three years ago on an Obama campaign site and some 24 yr old in an Arizona college finds it and designs a t-shirt around it? This is purely coincidental. (sarcasm off)
  19. Okay it's not Obamas fault. But I don't believe that no one in the admin knew about it. No I just like to point it out as much as I can.
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