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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Not their fault, teachers were to busy teaching them about feelings !!!
  2. NRA headquarters are in VA (for now) what business does the NY AG have filling suit?
  3. Not sure how cuomo is justifying his actions anymore.
  4. Virus gonna virus How a governor and mayor killed a city. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/03/nyregion/nyc-small-businesses-closing-coronavirus.html
  5. "What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"
  6. Oh so now that we slowed the spread and didn't overwhelm ICUs , cases are dropping along with deaths we have to scare people with long term effects. My guess the long term effects are the same as the flu. If you can provide any data stating otherwise please do. Still no reason to keep Americans as prisoners. We can live our lives and fight the disease at the same time.
  7. No And that's BS and you know it. Come on you have all the answers. What should he have done? When (dates please) should he have done it? And why? (what info was available to make the decision) How many states deaths do you have to add together to get the same as NY and NJ?
  8. What should he have done? When (dates please) should he have done it? And why? (what info was available to make the decision)
  9. yes it's a problem, but t is not contagious, and is avoidable. My point is that kung flu is not a death sentence, most people have little to no symptoms.
  10. Adult, child, dog cat, monkey, doesn't matter. Your chance of dying from kung flu is very small.
  11. But hot dogs are so all the baseball stadiums should be full.
  12. POTUS saved 1.7 million people from the kung flu by stopping travel from Wuhan. How can you deny that? Bidenette.
  13. new cases dropping again, another sad day for the for kung flu death cult.
  14. For what, did he issue an order to make nursing homes take sick people? cuomo did.
  15. 33700 dead in New York state is one 5th of all deaths, and a 3rd of them were in nursing homes that cuomo made take positive cases. cuomo should be in jail
  16. Virus gonna virus Early estimates were 1.7 million dead, Trump saved 1.5 million people. https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/03/16/916661/coronavirus-covid-19-deaths-projections-united-states-italy/ FTA: Worst-case scenarios from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say there could be 1.7 million deaths in the US, mostly among older people.
  17. https://www.facebook.com/rephuizenga/videos/3239183482794283/ Dems pushing money for China, Russia, Iran. Why?
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