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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Did you read the article.? "The Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that “little is known about the effectiveness” of the programs because half haven’t had a performance review since 2004 and only five have ever had a study to determine whether job seekers in the program do better than those who don’t participate." So what do these boards do? And here is where the money went. http://coburn.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/pressreleases?ContentRecord_id=cf7fa487-7be6-4d72-b701-a36e7ea541fe
  2. http://tucsoncitizen.com/usa-today-news/2011/02/08/job-training-sprawl-costs-u-s-18b-per-year/ Cut them all, they are not getting people back to work because there are no jobs.
  3. I'm sure that these cuts will be felt in every corner of the country. http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2011/02/obamas-tough-budget-cuts-in-pictures.html
  4. His brother worked for the circus training lions, his name was Claude
  5. And some people are created more equal than others
  6. I wish the NFL refs were this focused on the game. http://www.lasvegassun.com/photos/2011/feb/06/104751/
  7. Everybody is a victim, I certainly hope the court throws this dopey suit out and charges him for the filing costs.
  8. Why not save the time and effort and wait for global warming to melt the ice?
  9. They never talk about any studies or polls that show there is interest in riding these things. How many people go from Buffalo to Albany every day? Then there is the fact that they will have to stop at every town along the way, how the heck wil they ever go top speed? Of course if Obama gets the gas to $8/gal everyone will be begging for the trains.
  10. Sorry, I went out and got drunk. Monday may not be the best day for me.
  11. "Obama is more like Reagan than he is like anyone else." http://www.theblaze.com/stories/desperate-left-legacy-theft-obama-is-more-like-reagan-then-anyone-else/
  12. But Fat ALGore needs another million a year to power his house. Without carbon credits where will he get the money?
  13. No Gene, I know the answer I just want to see it in type from you.
  14. Awwww Come on Gene, it was a simple question, a smart guy like you should know the answer.
  15. There is another trend, if the facts don't agree with your arguement ignore the question.
  16. Like how they blasted the people who busted acorn? You are kidding, right?
  17. what abnormal cooling. Looking at that chart I see that this happens in a cycles. nothing abnormal at all. and definitely not man made.
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