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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. http://www.the-leader.com/news/x13261729/East-teacher-under-investigation-allegedly-had-relationship-with-student And yes I would!!!!!!
  2. You are thinking you would love to having sex with a gorgeous woman.
  3. "Scott Walker's budget proposal and its anti-public employee union provisions" Why isn't it call Scott Walker's attempt a fiscal responsibility?
  4. This is what confuses people. There IS NOT a finite amount of wealth in the world.
  5. Isn't WNY everything from Senca lake over to Buffalo?
  6. Do you think this is an attempt to get the Govenors to back off the unions? http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/01/us/politics/01health.html?exprod=myyahoo
  7. You name the ONE country that is not Muslim and claim tribalism. Sorry your sample group is not big enough. The majority of countries that have stoning as a lawful punishment are MUSLIM. If it is law of the land tribalism is not going to excuse it.
  8. I feel bad for you dopes that voted for this turd.
  9. But it is only practiced in Islamic countries right?
  10. http://stop-stoning.org/node/9 Is stoning still practiced? In which countries? Yes. Stoning to death has been introduced as a legal form of punishment for the "adultery of married persons" (zina al-mohsena) in Afghanistan, Iran, Nigeria (about one-third of the 36 states), Pakistan, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates. Some of these countries have since repealed the law of stoning. While the penalty has never been carried out in Nigeria, or by the state in either Pakistan or Iraq, incidents of stoning have been carried out by communities, seemingly encouraged by the existence of the punishment in law. Why are you defneding them?
  11. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sharia
  12. No it's their pathological abuse of women, from stoning rape victims for "Adultery" to their clitoral circumcisions. Every time something like this happens apologetics like you come out and defend it as isolated instances, and totally ignore the fact that it is a culture over there. The sad part of the Logan attack is that some dumbass liberal ahole thought exactly like you and sent her there.
  13. So they have taken a lesson from the Wisconsin dems and run away.
  14. In a call to reporters who had gathered in his office, B. Patrick Bauer, the minority speaker of the House, said from Urbana that the union legislation had been but one of many “wrongful bills” that would “rip the heart out of the middle class.” Give me a break
  15. The democrats are always trying to work the system. Why doesn't Walker just "deem" that it passed?
  16. But you are in the minority. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/february_2011/48_back_gop_governor_in_wisconsin_spat_38_side_with_unions Well maybe his long distance phone plan doesn't cover Chicago.
  17. No they are not. The people of Wisconsin want this legislation, they should be doing what their constituents want. Not what their political donors want.
  18. They are so happy with what they earn they don't even know what private sector employees make, they never look for a new job. Any place I have ever worked, most people are checking the want adds and looking for better pay. In the government unions they just elect a new boss and they get a raise.
  19. The Party of no? no fiscal restraint No guts No show. That was what he was elected to do. What part of that don't you understand? The people that pay the bill asked that the bill be reduced.
  20. From listening to the aduio, it sounds like they have eyes on the ground to identify the targets.
  21. The collective bargaining has to go, or the next time a union croney is elected he will give them whatever they want and the state will be right back in the hole.
  22. Does Walker have any recourse against the unions if it is proved that they organized a "sick day" strike? I would love to see him win a multimillion dollar suit against the union with a presidential election coming up.
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