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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. http://www.theonion.com/articles/planned-parenthood-opens-8-billion-abortionplex,20476/
  2. Where is any mention of religion, all they are asking is that the women be givien all the information. Why are liberals always afraid of peopel being educated? "This law is extreme and patronizing to women in a variety of ways," Bebe Anderson, senior counsel for CRR, told HuffPost. "It hijacks the doctor-patient relationship, assumes what a woman must know to make a decision and forces doctors to say things to their patients that they otherwise shouldn't and wouldn't." My wife had a sonogram in every trimester of all her pregnancies, it's standard procedure, why should that be different if the woman is going to terminate?
  3. Here is a local guys take on it. http://www.boblonsberry.com/writings.cfm
  4. A seat that will likely be gone after redistricting.
  5. I have news for you, neither party will raise taxes on the wealthy, because they are the weathly, the only place they can get any more "income" is from businesses and the middle class. So unless they stop the spending and start making people pay more for their "benefits" we will all suffer.
  6. See now we are getting somewhere!! The government needs to be downsized.
  7. Come on, cut them some slack, they are Canadians.
  8. He uses democrats to make the policies that makes him the most money.
  9. This won't help him either. http://news.yahoo.com/s/dailycaller/20110517/pl_dailycaller/nearly20percentofnewobamacarewaiversaregourmetrestaurantsnightclubsfancyhotelsinnancypelosie28099sdistrict;_ylt=Ark0A3c2nwTwujLS5.YjQW0nHL8C;_ylu=X3oDMTYxNXZuaW11BGFzc2V0A2RhaWx5Y2FsbGVyLzIwMTEwNTE3L25lYXJseTIwcGVyY2VudG9mbmV3b2JhbWFjYXJld2FpdmVyc2FyZWdvdXJtZXRyZXN0YXVyYW50c25pZ2h0Y2x1YnNmYW5jeWhvdGVsc2lubmFuY3lwZWxvc2llMjgwOTlzZGlzdHJpY3QEY2NvZGUDZ21wZQRjcG9zAzUEcG9zAzUEc2VjA3luX3RvcF9zdG9yaWVzBHNsawNuZWFybHkyMHBlcmM-
  10. He didn't say that. He said that the new Republicans would stop more spending.
  11. He must equate a government job that wasn't created to a layoff.
  12. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20062175-503544.html?tag=contentMain;contentBody "The reason the unemployment rate is still as high as it is, in part, is because there have been huge layoffs of government workers at the federal level, at the state level, at the local level," he said. "Teachers, police officers, firefighters, social workers-- they have really taken it in the chin over the last several months. And so, what we're trying to do is to see if we can stabilize the budget." "I do want to make a larger point to people, though, that folks like Karin provide vital services," Mr. Obama continued. "And so, when we have discussions about how to cut our debt and our deficit in an intelligent way, we have to make sure that we understand this is not just a matter of numbers - these are people." What is so VITAL about a zoo worker? Read more: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20062175-503544.html#ixzz1MA75i1Bl The numbers tell a different story. http://www.nationalreview.com/campaign-spot/267060/president-obama-completely-wrong-reason-high-unemployment
  13. Instead he danced in the endzone(Ground Zero)
  14. I think they don't want people to see the scales under the fake human skin. They will use anything to distract the voters from our real problems.
  15. because he needed a "Hey look I did something right" moment. Let's see how long he can drag it out, I am assuming the details will be released slowly until around september 2012.
  16. I think this is a symptom of the 24 hr news world. The people in the situation room at the white house all saw the same thing, but each of them left with their idea of what happened and started telling poeple what they thought they saw. This is really more a lack of discipline than an out right attempt to confuse us.
  17. "The Conservatives won 167 of 308 seats in the House of Commons in Monday's vote, giving Harper a third mandate since 2006 and his first majority. Until now, the Conservatives' minority-government status has meant they had to compromise with other parties on many policies." Like agreeing to $38 billion dollar spending cut $100 billion? One more election and we can turn our ship around.
  18. http://news.yahoo.com/s/dailybeast/20110502/ts_dailybeast/13790_niallfergusonthegreatinflationofthe2010s
  19. He is just trying to stay on the radar, and it seems to be working.
  20. I didn't put anything at the feet of the President, I just pointed out that pbills called KD a douche bag when he suggested exactly what the President said.
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