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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Oh hell I forgot........ http://travel.usatoday.com/cruises/post/2010/10/cruise-ship-california-welfare-money-charge-payment-fraud/126451/1
  2. They talk about the poor kids, then they quote upper middle class parents?
  3. What if he was 1/3 Monkey, 1/3 human and 1/3 eskimo?
  4. So, now all of a sudden the democrats find the constitution?
  5. Until some racist white guy caps a couple of them.
  6. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/obama_approval_index_history Well today two percent less disapprove of than two days ago.
  7. Right because another lawyer working for Celino and Barnes would be such a step up!!!!
  8. Umm, the government doesn't have a say in who does or doesn't get to be a priest, but they do have a say in who can or can't be married. You are naive to think that this will stop all the "fight for equality" rants.
  9. Do you want to bet on that? If/when this passes and a church refuses to marry them they will be violating their civil rights.
  10. So why do they keep asking for more money for "education"
  11. Unless you are a dumbass with an Obama bumper sticker!!!!
  12. I'm glad he thinks it's funny!!! http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2011/06/obama-jokes-about-shovel-ready-projects/1
  13. Or when she said the stimulus would keep the unemployment under 8%.
  14. Not really, because he was a Protestant Minister when he converted he is allowed to stay married. "Father James Schwartz, diocesan director of seminarians, said that although obtaining dispensation from celibacy is rare in the Roman Catholic priesthood, the ordination of former Protestant ministers does occur in other U.S. dioceses. "We aren't alone. (Approval is) being routinely made when they have the support of the bishop," Father Schwartz said, adding that he hopes more people will come forward who might fit these special circumstances: "I think of it in terms of inclusivity -- it opens the door to a wider sphere." Read more: http://www.catholiccourier.com/news/local-news/family-man-eyes-historic-ordination/#ixzz1PAicZkN9
  15. "As much as I dislike Obama, I realize he isnt to blame for the high price of gasoline."´ He keeps spending and the fed keeps printing, which means my dollars aren't worth what they were so the price of oil and thus gas go up.
  16. You do understand that the price of oil is in dollars, and that as they print more ( so they can cover their spending) it continues to devalue, which is why the price goes up?
  17. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5haKQ47i_ngFlrOt41anCLkV-j64g?docId=114324a6ffb2477197a9c3474e47e1d8 "Since I first ran for the U.S. Senate, Austan has been a close friend and one of my most trusted advisers," Obama said. "Over the past several years, he has helped steer our country out of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, and although there is still much work ahead, his insights and counsel have helped lead us toward an economy that is growing and creating millions of jobs." I think that Mr. Obama is delusional.
  18. Not really, everyone knows that democrats are lying, cheating, womanizing scumbags. He only did what comes naturally. No need to resign.
  19. "The vote came after hours of pubic testimony that featured heated and racially tinged exchanges." Must have been interesting!!!!
  20. If raising taxes solved problems New York state would be a utopia!!!!!!
  21. Collective bargaining is not a right!!!! If they don't like the deal the state is offering then they should find another job.
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