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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. We don't need to spend more on health care, we need to tax cigerettes more, raise fuel costs and confiscate spoons. Then we will all live forever!!!
  2. RWE - is not wanting the federal government taking your hard earned money and giving it some sloth with 5 kids by 5 differnet guys.
  3. A conspiracy means they are trying to hide what they are doing, no? Seems to me the Repubs are being more transparent that the "most transparent administration ever".
  4. Maybe they should have made it more clear that it was an application process?
  5. I thought you were talking about this: http://www.13wham.com/news/national/story/Obama-ends-talks-brusquely/wWijQ1Sk-EWgAZfCq2qZrQ.cspx "and that working with Obama and his team "has been like dealing with Jell-O."
  6. The worst part is that our elected representitives are more than willing to continue this cycle with little or no regard for the future, as long as they get re-elected and don't have to shoulder the blame. When this house of cards collapses it will be worse than what we have been seeing in europe.
  7. Quick plead insanity, it's a believable defense. I think we all agree on the current problem, the solution seems to be where the disagreement is.
  8. Over spending caused the debt, the debt did not cause a revenue shortfall.
  10. Um, last week he was tied with a generic Republican candidate. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections/election_2012/election_2012_presidential_election/generic_presidential_ballot/election_2012_generic_presidential_ballot I think the American people are catching on.
  11. Sorry I thought he also asked Perry to stay the execution.
  12. If they have to pass legislation to enforce the treaty, Texas is well with in its power to execute him under "current" law. Asking Texas to wait so they could pass new legislation is beyond the Presidents powers, and I believe that is what the SC said. I agree with almost all of what Tom said , except that he inferred that they wanted to follow the current law, which I think they did. The intent here was to pass a new law to force Texas to do something more than they already did. A Miranda Act for foriegn nationals http://leahy.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/BillText-ConsularNotificationComplianceAct.pdf
  13. Last Friday, the Obama administration asked the U.S. Supreme Court to stop Texas from executing Leal, asking the court to delay the execution for up to six months to give Congress time to consider legislation that would enforce the U.N. treaty. Congress had three years to pass the bill but did not. Hence, it was impossible to pass a bill that would spare Leal unless a stay is ordered.
  14. What concept am I missing they appealed and lost, because the cutrrent law sides with Texas. They wanted Texas to wait so they could change the law.
  15. And the first clue that you are talking to one, they start their statements with "let me be clear"
  16. I understood it completely. The point is after 16 years they wanted to wait six more months so they could set this monster free and Texas told them no, which by current law they were well within their right. "Adria Sauceda, 16, his victim, was found naked by authorities, according to court documents. "There was a 30- to 40-pound asphalt rock roughly twice the size of the victim's skull lying partially on the victim's left arm," court documents read. "Blood was underneath this rock. A smaller rock with blood on it was located near the victim's right thigh.” A "bloody and broken" stick roughly 15 inches long with a screw at the end of it was also protruding from the girl's vagina, according to the documents."
  17. The SC diasgrees with you and Obama. The U.S. Supreme Court denied Leal's request, calling his argument meritless. In a 5-4 decision an hour before the execution, the majority wrote, “We have no authority to stay an execution in light of an 'appeal of the President,' presenting free-ranging assertions of foreign policy consequences, when those assertions come unaccompanied by a persuasive legal claim.” i added the bold
  18. They just need another department and a few trillion dollars and it will all be better!
  19. I already identified the waste, it's called the welfare system.
  20. No, no fact finding mission, no investigation, just stop giving the money away and fire everyone involved.
  21. There is no cost to find the the problem, because the problem is that they are giving money away. all they have to do is stop it. And they stop all the fraud.
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