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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Yeah, the nobody won should represent the taxpayers losing, but it is ambiguous.
  2. Just curious as to what everyone thinks.
  3. Why don't we ever discuss whether or not everyone is "doing" their fair share.
  4. You are a tool if you think the wealthy politicians are going to make the tax code "fair" or raise taxes on the "rich" or get rid of exeptions. And we will help people through hard times, not let them sit on their porch and do nothing for a lifetime. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2008/03/conservatives_more_liberal_giv.html
  5. They would have to redefine "Rich" to be anyone earning anything. Could TEA Party land have closed boarders with very tough immigration laws? Obamaland = Cuba
  6. To believe this would mean you would have to teach history the way it really happened instead of the liberal interpretation of it!!!
  7. Three weeks and the Obama nation would be crying how unfair it is that the TEA PArty Nation has so much of everything. And they would be total perplexed as to why. Because he has to kill the notion that a person can do anything for themselves. His Idea is that the government provide everything we need, which is very difficult because it produces nothing.
  8. I am sure he terrorized by the thought of gettigng dumped in 2012!
  9. Why, you and I both know it will never happen!!!
  10. Not unlike e-mails proving collusion to omit data that doesn't support your theory
  11. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Raiders-newest-cheerleader-is-a-grandmother?urn=nfl-wp4074
  12. And with another $2.7 trillion he will get us there!!!!!!!!
  13. Sure they do, and right after it passes, thye will write it down!!
  14. American voters don't want tax increases. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/business/taxes/july_2011/55_oppose_tax_hike_in_debt_ceiling_deal
  15. Um, actually the will of the people is what got some of these hard headed republicans elected, ever hear of the TEA Party? They promised no new taxes, so spending cuts is all that they will compromise on!!! When Obama was swept in on a wave of hhope and change he had a mandate right? Well guess what the new guys have a mandate too, no taxes, starve the beast!!!! For Obama and the left compromise means doing it their way.
  16. Well, not untill I started to really understand how screwed up our government is. The new guy has taken us to a whole new level, and if given the chance would continue to!!!!! Basically Obama is the straw that broke the camels back.
  17. Well I don't like any program that spends money borrowed from China!!!!
  18. Now everytime I see him on TV I will here the paper towel commercial - Wimpy! Wimp! Wimpy! or a frozen ocean in Manhatten!!!
  19. Sorry, the Dems had control they signed off on all of "Bush's" spending. If Senator Obama had every shown up he could have voted against it!!!
  20. JUST PLAIN DUMB!!! http://www.house.gov/jec/fiscal/tx-grwth/reagtxct/reagtxct.htm
  21. Tax cuts do not cause deficits, overspending does!!!!
  22. http://hotair.com/archives/2011/07/24/obamas-fair-deal-violate-your-tax-pledge-so-i-can-keep-my-pledge-to-reform-entitlements/
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