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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. A tie hurts more than it helps. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081116165920AAESAo4
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaEBsLmgTLc
  3. See The Little Faggot With The Earring And The Make-Up Yeah Buddy That's His Own Hair That Little Faggot Got His Own Jet Airplane That Little Faggot He's Millionaire
  4. NO I have tickets to that game and I don't want it to be at night
  5. Higher taxes = higher spending: Curb the spending, prove you can be trusted and then, maybe raise some taxes.
  6. Except China: " The Chinese are being spared completely because China is being groomed by the NWO to replace the United States as the leading nation of the world, both economically and militarily" This spray will make them stop producing junk?
  7. I think she would need an entire case to to even talk to you!!
  8. 3) He was likely going to call time out any way, so why not take a chance that they give it to him, plus with the review the time out is always longer. With the extra time they couldn't call a better play? 9) agreed. 12) The Jets played very well yesterday, the Bills not so much (4 TO) I think that the shut out in Toronto may have gone to the Bills head. Talent wise I think it is closer than it looked yesterday!!!
  9. They are just making confetti for the victory parade.
  10. A group who's sole purpose is to get federal grants so that they can "encourage" people to vote for people that hand out federal grants. We have to shut down the flow of money or they will just continue to change their name and suck our country dry.
  11. But he never claims it's man made And he gets refuted!!! http://www.express.co.uk/features/view/280948/Is-global-warming-over
  12. http://thehayride.com/2011/08/the-donkey-whisperer/
  13. http://tonawanda-news.com/local/x1990863006/Albion-woman-dies-in-stabbing
  14. Here is the real shocker ----- "Police say both Chavez and her boyfriend appeared to be intoxicated."
  15. Here is some of that stimulus: http://zombieindustries.com/
  16. I have been working on a design of a spring loaded machete on a crossbow frame, kind of like a clay pigeon thrower. Wouldn't need ammo, but requires close proximity for use. Chain mail would be a must.
  17. I am certain they will blame this on [{climate change}]
  18. What I find the most disturbing is that they have convinced a generation that they are required to pay for their child's college education. I know some people who have used their 401(k) to pay for it. I understand them wanting the parents to contribute, but to borrow against their 401(k) or remortgage the house is just crazy.
  19. Like Obama? http://hotair.com/archives/2011/10/20/obamas-raised-more-money-for-democrats-from-wall-street-donors-than-all-republican-candidates-combined/ Like these people? http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/132683463.html
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