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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. I thought Obama wrote an executive order that banned that!!
  2. Well, the person collecting it has a friend for life.
  3. Just a little late. http://www.space1999.net/
  4. Maybe she was asking to see his papers!!
  5. Most of America wasn't reading it from the teleprompter Obama was.
  6. But you have to remember that the liberal solution to the inequalities is more government not private charities or churches. So their actions go right along with their rhetoric.
  7. If he was investigated wouldn't those findings be public record?
  8. This is all part of the dumbing down of America, slang becomes the normal and words have lost their true meaning. :wallbash: All hail political correctness. :worthy:
  9. Dave, please go borrow 2% of your gross income and donate it a deserving group.
  10. http://news.yahoo.com/stop-mr-president-quit-giving-money-away-172000333.html
  11. In my estimation the Volt will be cancelled in the next 12-18 months, because our green president will likely not give GM any more money for such a lemon during an election year.
  12. he was making sure he had an alibi, but officer I was sitting here drinking a beer.
  13. Right!!!! http://www.suntimes.com/business/9188252-420/story.html
  14. It amazes me hoe they can just throw away millions, just because they can!
  15. I heard Clinton had a lot of top secret debriefings on his schedule.
  16. "it could also become part of an Democratic effort to influence Republican primary voters to select a candidate Democrats think Obama could most easily defeat." Because the main stream media can't do all the work for Obama!!!!!!!
  17. Right, because the fact that no one is watching doesn't impact their advertising dollars.
  18. Liberals do not believe that history applies to them.
  19. I'll be at the game, wife and kids bought me tickets for my b-day(dec 8). I may even park at your place.
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