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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. How is Obama going to do that when he will be doing an ex-president college speaking tour?
  2. heck yeah, wouldn't fall asleep though.
  3. Asked if she had the right to the public assistance money, Clayton answered, "I kind of do. I have no income, and I have bills to pay. I have two houses." and that my friends is what is wrong with liberalism!!!!
  4. If the costs of goods goes up, then their wages become less than a living wage again. Do you get it yet?
  5. The same place people get that Rush is calling her a slut for wanting contraception coverage.
  6. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/slut by here own admission she meets the definition.
  7. He didn't call her a slut for using birth control, he called her a slut because she wants to get the birth control for free. Does becoming a liberal mean that you have to turn in your reading comprehension skills. Rush Limbaugh is a blow hard, a showman and a borderline hypocrite, but he is smart and chooses his words very carefully.
  8. "I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit."
  9. Andrea Funny with all this "character development" that people (me included) have trouble remembering their names. Don't they have any real problems they should be solving in Canada?
  10. It's a spoiler if a crew member has "leaked" it. Just because you found it on the internet doesn't mean it is public knowledge. Not everyone is out there reading every message board. I do find it interesting how some people don't seem to catch details in the previews, and consider them to be spoilers.
  11. how many people live in the USA? equals how many rounds of ammo equals how many tons to carry around? I love the show, but I have trouble believing the US armed services would fail to hold back a zombie horde.
  12. Daryl was making new arrows when Carol came to find him.
  13. Democrat campaign ideals, so what's the question?
  14. "Police said Friday the men had also cavorted with prostitutes at a Thai beach resort." Is that what's it's called these days?
  15. Come on, they punch them out on a damn machine, the problem is they have ten guys standing around to make sure the one pushes the right button.
  16. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/obama-wants-cheaper-pennies-nickels-101600840.html "Just the administrative cost of minting 4.3 billion pennies costs almost a half-cent per coin by itself, leaving precious little room to make a penny for less than a cent, no matter the raw material used." Maybe they need to reduce the administration costs? Whose cousin is working at the mint?
  17. The east bound hit the west bound head on. Oh the horror, oh the humanity.
  18. legal is legal Save a horse ride a cowboy!!
  19. You are stupid and just don't understand, they don't pay enough taxes because at the end of the day they still have more money than some dolt that thought algebra was "dumb" and now has to serve happy meals for a living.
  20. He also gave up two points and a very costly interception and the pass to welker was poorly thrown.
  21. The group i was with was wondering what that line was?
  22. I sat through it, but it was like a root canal, I didn't listen to that crap when It first came out why would I like it now? I hope they give up on the halftime show.
  23. I thought you were talking about how Collinsworth tried to blame Gronk (I think) for the interception!!!
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