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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. I love "clean energy", the only part that is voodoo is the government giving bad companies with crap products my tax money. If power companies can make money building windmills, why do they need subsidies?
  2. If you understand what the goal was, then you know that it was a success. http://media.townhall.com/Townhall/Car/b/bg071712dAPR20120717034539.jpg
  3. You do realize that he isn't lying!!!! He has done exactly what he set out to do. And when anyone pointed out his true beliefs they were called racists and birthers. “I get up every morning thinking today I’m going to make a difference. Today I’m going to end capitalism. Today I’m going to make a revolution. I go to bed every night disappointed but…I’m back again tomorrow.” Bill Ayers http://www.rightwingnews.com/capitalism/every-morning-when-he-wakes-up-bill-ayers-wonders-how-he-can-destroy-capitalism/
  4. If you have been paying any attention to this administration this was not a surprise.
  5. right like this: http://abcnews.go.com/Business/chick-fil-blocked-opening-chicago-store/story?id=16853890
  6. Why would you think that the first affirmative action POTUS would have anything but contempt for people that work hard.
  7. I guess it would depend on what job the aged homo had in mind
  8. Anyone remember when they just wanted the Christian right wing homophobes to "stay out of our bedrooms"?
  9. And put the onus on Mitt to prove it's false. The obvious way to settle the issue, she said, was for Romney to release his tax returns: “If the SEC filings aren’t accurate, then prove it,” she said. http://www.politicususa.com/lesson-mitt-romney-life-happen-retroactively-real-world.html
  10. Standard operating procedure for libs/progressives. http://pjmedia.com/zombie/2012/07/18/the-ultimate-takedown-of-obamas-you-didnt-build-that-speech/
  11. just another "oh crap" moment for Barry and his merry band of bandits.
  12. http://www.ijreview.com/2012/07/10742-second-amendment-victory-71-year-old-saves-the-day-as-two-men-try-to-rob-internet-cafe/ http://michellemalkin.com/2007/12/09/sunday-horror-church-shootings-in-colorado-gunman-reportedly-killed-by-armed-female-church-security-staffer/ http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1818862/posts
  13. Unless he went in there with an explosive device that worked! If you shoot(which I do) you would recognize the sound of gunfire, so you would know what is going on and react accordingly.
  14. If one person in that theater was carrying a handgun the death toll could have been reduced to one (Holmes)
  15. which one? http://www.capitalnewyork.com/files/huma-weiner400.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d7/Bachmann2011.jpg/220px-Bachmann2011.jpg
  16. But he never said that!!! http://freedomoutpost.com/2012/07/unbelieveable-ad-claims-obama-never-said-you-didnt-build-that/
  17. Then how do you explain Marion Barry being re-elected??? Oh wait it was Washington DC. never mind.
  18. Remember when Geraldo opened Al Capone's vault, same results.
  19. Much like obama not releasing his college records, taking 2 years to release a fake BC, and withholding the fast and furious document, all the while demonizing Mitt for not releasing tax returns above and beyond what is required by law.
  20. Nothing, and when he does release them the dems will look like a bunch of fools.
  21. Liberals = Fools they believe: More (of your) money = less poverty More (of your) money = better education More (of your) money = less pollution Hope and Change
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