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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Because they know their only chance at re-election is to have a majority on the dole.
  2. How come it didn't ask me about mortgage interest or how much money I have in my swiss account.
  3. That's the point, they are not dirty for playing by the rules.They are trying to paint Mitt as a tax cheat, when they are all doing it and it is perfectly legal. If this practice is so dastardly why didn't Obama and Reid change the laws when they had total control, let me give you a hint, They are all doing it!!!!!!!
  4. http://dailycaller.com/2012/07/11/nancy-pelosi-made-between-1-5-million-on-asian-investments-in-2011/ Plus I heard from a friend of a friend that she didn't pay any taxes
  5. Mitt paying more taxes will not help the USA, because we do not have an income problem, we have a spending problem.
  6. Are we talking federal income tax? Because I pay zero in federal income tax, as a matter of fact I get a big refund(welfare) check because of the child tax credit. Any idea where that money comes from? Why is Mitt a bad guy for not paying federal income tax?
  7. Your political compass Economic Left/Right: 1.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.03
  8. And just think, for a pack of smokes and a ride to the poll Acorn could get that guy to vote for Obama!!!
  9. At least tebow and sanchez have jobs!!! 12.7 million other Americans are unemployed and the POTUS is talking football!!!
  10. You are missing the point, there is no reasonable line, every time you ban a gun and another maniac goes on a rampage whatever weapon he used will be the next firearm banned, until all firearms are banned(like in China) and some turd pulls a knife, and I can't even shoot him!
  11. It shouldn't. Evil exists, and I need to be able to protect myself, my family and my friends from it. And before you get started on the assault weapons argument, type of gun and capacity are irrelevant. Ban the bad ones and the bad guys will use whatever is available until all guns "need" to be banned. Check out the current crime rates in Australia, they banned all firearms and the crime rate soared.
  12. No more silly than talking about outlawing guns to stop murderers.
  13. Mitt Romney will not release more tax returns than required by law!!!
  14. So, a country with no guns has no murders. http://news.yahoo.com/chinese-teen-kills-eight-knife-attack-reports-102629246.html?_esi=1
  15. I think this shows how much trouble O is in and he knows it. http://redalertpolitics.com/2012/07/31/obama-begs-supporters-for-money-in-new-campaign-video/
  16. Government intervention caused most of this, what are the odds they can fix it?
  17. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/01/business/us-agency-bars-fannie-and-freddie-from-reducing-principal.html?exprod=myyahoo
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