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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. http://nation.foxnews.com/president-obama/2012/08/20/obama-falsely-denies-his-campaign-called-romney-felon
  2. You have to look at the bright side 13 states didn't have an increase!!!
  3. Somebody ate a dog that **** itself riding on top of a car on the way to Canada? Don't we have some real issues to discuss, like how much Mitt paid in taxes 10 years ago?
  4. This is how I picture the Obama campaign http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T575Pbo4eWM
  5. I travel with mine in a crate in the back of the pickup truck, what's the big deal?
  6. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/hundreds-young-illegal-immigrants-flood-manhattan-church-deferred-201544652.html 1.7 million potentially eligible, $465 fee = almost a billion dollars in cash for the government. Some other articles had the fee at $525
  7. They are using ammo that maximizes organ damage, are they trying to kill people?
  8. OOOOH, OOOOH, OOOOH Mr Kotter Because, then Latinos will vote for Obama!!!
  9. I want Romney and Ryan to get this conversation turned around. We need to start talking about the people who are not doing their fair share.
  10. Did you really just quote stripes in a socialism thread?
  11. That may not be true if Obama gets four more years.
  12. I know what it isn't. It isn't the American dream.
  13. Because under trickle down you earn for it. Under Obama's plan he decides how much to take and who get's it. (welfare, housing bailout, auto bailout, Solyndra). Nice try at "playing dumb"
  14. http://www.sodahead.com/united-states/obama-a-new-vision-of-an-america-in-which-prosperity-is-shared-agree/question-2875761/?postId=91259995 Now come on, someone tell me he is not a socialist.
  15. Team Obama has no details: No budget for three years,"pass it to see what's in it" and hope and change. Ryan's plan is the only plan.
  16. Obama didn't run that ad it was one of those terrible SuperPACS.
  17. They are only evil if they don't want their taxes raised.
  18. I was thinking the other day that Romney is running this campaign much like you might a business deal, don't tip your hand and let the other party exhaust all his resources, and swoop in for the kill.
  19. Damn I make that much with an AAS and I don't have to put up with stinky feet. Oh and my college debt was about $6k and paid off on time.
  20. Oddly enough with every swing the Obama team takes they lose votes!!!
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