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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. So, if the procedure fails and the cells are laying on a table breathing, and the doctor stuffs scissors into the brain, did he abort a fetus or murder a baby?
  2. What happens if the woman doesn't have the procedure?
  3. Nope that is Obama's reasoning. " and a nine-month-old fetus survived a late-term labor-induced abortion was deemed to be a person who had a right to live, then the law would "forbid abortions to take place." How many women have this happen? Maybe the doctors could try harder to save the mother rather than terminate the baby for the sake of convenience.
  4. Yes. Because if you allow one you have to allow this!! Obama has consistently refused to support legislation that would define an infant who survives a late-term induced-labor abortion as a human being with the right to live. He insists that no restriction must ever be placed on the right of a mother to decide to abort her child. On March 30, 2001, Obama was the only Illinois senator who rose to speak against a bill that would have protected babies who survived late term labor-induced abortion. Obama rose to object that if the bill passed, and a nine-month-old fetus survived a late-term labor-induced abortion was deemed to be a person who had a right to live, then the law would "forbid abortions to take place." Obama further explained the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment does not allow somebody to kill a child, so if the law deemed a child who survived a late-term labor-induced abortion had a right to live, "then this would be an anti-abortion statute." http://www.ontheissues.org/2012/Barack_Obama_Abortion.htm
  5. Because killing babies is the key to a freedom for women.
  6. We don't have to worry about the future. With all of the green stimulus money we will be oil free by then. :wallbash:
  7. Oh, my bad, we were talking pregnancy and you changed the subject. and your number is still wrong. http://www.babycenter.com/0_understanding-miscarriage_252.bc
  8. http://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnancycomplications/miscarriage.html/ has anyone every told you that you are and IDIOT?
  9. That was a waste of money, because nobody saw the ads!!!
  10. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/30/obama-administration-anno_n_745602.html http://money.cnn.com/2012/04/18/news/economy/drilling-regulations/index.htm So, when he says his plan work he isn't lying?
  11. http://startthinkingright.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/bush-vs-obama-on-gas-prices.png
  12. And that still won't pay for obamacare, so where is the rest of the money going to come from?
  13. So you can euthanize your grandpa, but uncle Sam is going to take half of your inheritance.
  14. Is killing unborn babies the sign of advanced civilization?
  15. And when the service is no longer needed and the union refuses to eliminate the job, Then what is it?
  16. http://www.michiganc...ntial.com/17404 http://www.michigancapitolconfidential.com/16789 any chance he is correct?
  17. Do you think this was her first gangbang? I bet hubby watched the video. Oh, and yes I would.
  18. It is becoming more and more evident that he is a mamas boy that needs the women around him to help him make decisions.
  19. 313,000,000 population of the US 80,000 = 0.00025559105 percent = not relevant
  20. A mind is a terrible thing to waste!!
  21. I have a very strong work ethic, but I am not doing a damn thing if some one is going to take it all and give me what they deem is my share back. Not incentive to act, but less punishment for success. I really want to see this proved. 51% of Americans pay no fed income tax. How the hell is he going to lower their taxes? If he lowers federal taxes on any more people they will have to take 100% from the rest and we still won't be able to pay for Obamacare. BO is a liar, every time he opens his mouth a lie comes out. And ever now and then a little more evidence of his communist leanings.
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