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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. So one person thinks it is okay to kill a zygote, another thinks it is okay to straggle an eight month old, in your world neither is murder.
  2. I heard Elliot Spitzer will be there to cover something.
  3. If that is what helps you sleep at night.
  4. I wonder how many great people have been killed before they could contribute. Did some single mother abort the doctor that would cure cancer, or the engineer that would have developed anti gravity technology.
  5. Mr Akin didn't miss science class, they replaced the biology section with climate change and how humans are responsible.
  6. So who gets to live or die comes down to money?
  7. What kind of sex are you having?
  8. not really http://www.pollingreport.com/abortion.htm
  9. Every choice in life has a consequence some are more severe than others.
  10. This guy is a criminal http://www.the-leader.com/newsnow/x1587350347/Cops-Upstate-NY-man-fatally-shot-his-family-s-dog A doctor that lets a baby die on the counter from a failed abortion, is not.
  11. Because you can only talk about Obama's failures for so long before some one calls you a racist.
  12. because killing their unborn babies is the only way women can be free.
  13. Come on how many more times can we rehash the fact that Obama sucks and has failed miserably.
  14. So when a partial birth abortion fails that baby should be left to die? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081001172243AApXO7Y
  15. So you are waiting or someone else to define life for you. That's weak Really your mom gave birth to you and you could cook and eat a cheese burger that day?
  16. So you don't want to set legislation but tel him to choose.
  17. I am talking about killing babies and Tom wants to argue about a mass of cells being a person or not. My stance is it's murder. Tom is correct it may or may not become a person, but at what point do you and Tom and thebigcat feel that this mass of cells should be protected from their own mother and her desire to kill it?
  18. This is the entire problem. We have not defined when life begins. So my argument is lets err on the side of caution and assume it is at fertilization. The problem with that is that women can't be free in our country if they can't kill their babies.
  19. What's the difference. it is just a bunch of cells. Right So when does the mass of cells becomes a person?
  20. According to the President there is no difference.
  21. Why, the situation I describe is a legal procedure and the President defends it.
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