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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. A. She was smart and moved. 2. She is on the lam for embezzlement. D. She isn't a racist. 5. She is a racist
  2. Maybe if he had said the NBA I could understand the race thing.
  3. Because a woman is not free if she can't kill her unborn child.
  4. This should be read before the house and senate every f'ing day they are in session. "I have to ask myself three questions anytime I'm about to make a new commitment as a mayor ... Is it affordable? Is it sustainable? Is it my job" http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-mia-love-breaks-the-gop-mold-but-can-she-win-20120525,0,7514345.story?page=2 Don't need chains, she is pro-life so by default she is not free.
  5. And claim their plan is working. they just need more time.
  6. And Obama gave good answers during the campaign and has failed miserably to solve any problems. Oh and on media bias. lets take a look at the lily white GOP convention (according to MSNBC) http://redalertpolitics.com/2012/08/28/msnbc-cuts-every-speech-made-by-a-minority-from-rnc-speech-coverage/
  7. He might be inclined to use the justice department to keep states from implementing voter ID laws!
  8. So you look at this analytically and can't decide. That is weak and cowardly. Take a stand one way or another on when life begins.
  9. And that is a weak and cowardly argument.
  10. They have been reminding us for days now, how Bush bumbled Katrina. You can't change history, but if you have enough left wing mouthpieces you sure can try to re-write it.
  11. Across the front of the blade - "Warning - if you can read this you might want to move your dumb ass"
  12. Could you please supply some examples of the R/R campaign doing it? Video would be great.
  13. And on top of all that, they have worry about malpractice suits.
  14. You brought up the oath, I just wanted to point out they don't follow it.
  15. when you give to a charity the charity tries to reduce overhead and make sure that as much of he money gets to where you intended it to go. When the government takes it, only a portion of it ever gets back to the people in the form of services.
  16. Just another archaic, meaningless tradition http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippocratic_Oath "Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy." Life has become secondary to money and convenience.
  17. = 77 lives. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/25/world/europe/anders-behring-breivik-murder-trial.html?exprod=myyahoo WTF are they thinking?
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