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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. http://nation.foxnews.com/media/2012/09/13/hot-mic-objective-reporters-caught-conspiring-trip-romney-press-conference
  2. the article was from the USA today just reprinted in the star gazette.
  3. But they are just looking for an excuse to do this crap, a comic, a dumb movie, or some bull **** comment that insults their god.
  4. really Chris, Romney's comments overshadowed the attack? http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/09/12/chris_matthews_death_of_ambassador_to_libya_has_been_overshadowed_by_the_desperate_reach_by_romney.html
  5. This is why he couldn't meet with Netanyahu
  6. Seems the movie wasn't a factor.. http://www.nytimes.c...moc.semityn.www They are mad at Obama.. demonstrators reportedly chanted “Obama! Obama! We are all Osama!” http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/zawahiris-brother-cairo-embassy-assault_652217.html
  7. Don't forget cure their disease, at least until obamas single payer kicks in full force.
  8. http://www.stargazette.com/article/20120912/APHEADS/309120013/1113/ "The income of the typical American household fell last year for the fourth consecutive year, the longest sustained period of decline since the early 1980s. Americans are now poorer than they were in 1999 after taking into account how inflation erodes the value of the dollar. Still blaming Bush
  9. Actually it's Obama that is. Hey, Mitt you can't say that,, at least not before I do!!!!
  10. http://articles.lati...asinos-20100624 http://www.king5.com...-114684519.html We are $16 trillion in debt and the "poor" are spending it in casinos
  11. Big difference between protests and firing a rocket at a diplomat.
  12. what was standard about that loss? they stole Millions from taxpayers and can now get a tax break? tax breaks are tax breaks.
  13. There is no living with these people. it's their way or the highway, so I say make it a highway to hell.
  14. http://news.yahoo.com/u-ambassador-libya-three-staff-killed-rocket-attack-091505030.html "stormed by militants denouncing a U.S.-made film insulting the Prophet Mohammad."
  15. We were discussing the Bush tax cuts, correct? (that is what was in the chart you posted) You changed the subject to payroll taxes. There is no way to have a conversation with you.
  16. I don't pay federal income tax but still get a "refund" check, due to the child tax credit (6 children) This is the first year my kids have not qualified for discount lunches. I have two kids in college, we have four vehicles and five computers DSL and Satellite TV, I put 11% of my income in my 401(k) and tithe to my church. Until the Parochial school closed last year my children went there ($2500/yr). The only debt I have is my mortgage, if I don't have the cash I don't buy it. Inequality is a bull **** talking point, liberals have convinced too many people that they are victims and need to be coddled. I will fight tooth and nail to make sure that more citizens contribute to society and that less take from same. The US government has spent more on welfare than any other nation and the number of "poor" continues to grow. and as typical with liberals you try and blame someone else for the failings of your policies. http://blog.heritage...rty-in-america/ i do not resent the wealthy, I want to join them, and am working my ass off to get there. Cut spending and lower tax rates and the revenue will increase. Just as it always has. raise them and it goes down.
  17. I was talking about the taxes that were cut by Bush. why can't you stay focused?
  18. Okay so which "payroll" taxes will be lowered for the rich but not the poor?
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