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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. http://nation.foxnews.com/mitt-romney/2012/09/22/networks-favor-romney-47-13-1-over-obama-redistribution
  2. It would probably have to be disassembled to ride a rail car across country.
  3. Sad day in America. Paralyzed with fear of offending anyone, so everyone loses out. :wallbash:
  4. I bet that made the red cross mad as hell.
  5. Not in federal income taxes. let's compare apples to apples here.
  6. Well maybe he can spend the next four years changing it from the outside.
  7. http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2011/09/understanding-poverty-in-the-united-states-surprising-facts-about-americas-poor They didn't someone else did.
  8. GZ never said TM grabbed it, he said he pulled it before TM could. The important point is that GZ was bleeding, which means TM assaulted him. Self defense, case closed.
  9. I have shot deer on nuisance tags, I don't think they can shoot at night. Doubtful. No different than being out turkey/squirrel/duck hunting.
  10. The poverty line is a liberal tool to justify their schemes. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/john-stossel-on-the-poor-americas-poor-live-better-than-most-have-lived-through-history/ http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/277040/strange-facts-about-america-s-poor-robert-rector
  11. I am pumped, my 14 is also excited to get an early chance at tagging one.
  12. I don't understand, I thought it was about some movie no one ever saw.
  13. http://redflagnews.c...fails-miserably http://nation.foxnews.com/president-obama/2012/09/19/no-surprise-double-standard-nbc-news-romney-secret-tape-fair-game-obama-found-redistribution-tape
  14. Huh????? I guess I don't read IDIOT. http://forums.twobil...ly/page__st__40 I will type this very slow just for you What did Mitt Lie about? And BTW check this out. http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/09/19/obama_official_benghazi_was_a_terrorist_attack
  15. No I admit that you are, you still haven't told me what Mitt lied about RE the Embassy incident.
  16. None, compare that to how they write about the Boy Scouts and the Catholics stance on homosexuals.
  17. And you miss the entire point, the US government caused most of that!!!
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