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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Well BO and his team, only closed conservative GM/Chrysler dealerships, right?
  2. I've got a good Romney joke: Do you remember the time Romney paid no income tax, yeah neither do I.
  3. Are they going to give Herschel a peg leg?
  4. What was it that Forest Gump said? oh that's right stupid is as stupid does. "After telling a reporter on Tuesday that he would not pursue any legislation to restrict abortion," "I'll be a pro-life president. The actions I'll take immediately are to remove funding for Planned Parenthood. It will not be part of my budget." Sorry Buf but not funding it is not the same as introducing legislation to restrict it.
  5. here is the best part. Obama ate dog Obama won't pay his own brothers medical bills Obama got Chris Stevens and 3 others killed Obama has GE CEO as economic adviser - shipping GE jobs overseas Obama payed less taxes than Romney Obama lied about Benghaz Obama changed his stance on gay marriage
  6. oh, no, he has to stick with it until after the election.
  7. Osama is dead, GM is alive, Chris who? Solyndra what?
  8. And Sesame Street has asked Obama to stop using big Bird. http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2012/10/09/angry-bird-big-bird-tells-obama-to-stop-using-him-in-stupid-attack-ad/ Sesame Street wants President Obama’s campaign to take down its latest attack ad against Mitt Romney, which features Big Bird. “Sesame Workshop is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization and we do not endorse candidates or participate in political campaigns,” a Tuesday statement on Sesameworkshop.org reads. “We have approved no campaign ads, and as is our general practice, have requested that the ad be taken down.”
  9. But not surprising. I am surprised they haven't blamed Bush.
  10. Seems to me that Mr. Romney is the exact opposite of an empty suit. He has been successful at almost everything he has tried.
  11. Must be all the people Obama hired to find some dirt on Mitt, because he knows now he can't beat him in a fair fight.
  12. It was a basement apartment, I don't think he ever took food stamps.
  13. To be prepared, know the topics and present the information cognitively. Not talk about how your grandma in Hawaii lived on social security.
  14. You do know that Mitt gave away his inheritance right? http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2012/aug/27/reince-priebus/republican-national-committee-chair-reince-priebus/
  15. And I had it spelled right in the first place. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Snuffleupagus
  16. http://foxnewsinsider.com/2012/10/04/teacher-kicks-student-out-of-class-for-wearing-mitt-romney-t-shirt/
  17. Here is another one. http://www.libertynews.com/2012/10/03/new-chapter-in-free-phone-saga-woman-has-30-free-phones/
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