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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. maybe we should ask the dinosaurs? I don't think extreme weather is new or more frequent.
  2. Almost as deep as the BS you are spewing. The libs are already talking about what to do when BO loses. http://news.yahoo.com/tell-black-child-obama-loses-070000457.html My favorite line: Not only does Obama benefit from a near-unanimous black vote, but also from the many whites who voted for Obama because of his race. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, explained in 2008: "This is (their) chance to demonstrate that we have been able to get this boogeyman called race behind us. And so they are going to vote for him, whether he has credentials or not, whether he has any experience." Reinforces my stance that BO is the first affirmative action POTUS.
  3. But it is just a clump of cells that can't survive on it's own.
  4. Typical condescending liberal, with your faux intelligence and enlightenment.
  5. I was going to post their names, but I think the photos are more appropriate. No, he is just shoring up the base.
  6. He was very decisive, he decided his re-election was worth more than those four lives, and ordered the rescuers to stand down three times.
  7. Not a finger lifted to help. They sat on their hands and let them die.
  8. They would have set up a perimeter and had shifts of guards.
  9. More distractions. Let's stay focused $16 trillion debt, 23 million unemployed, $4/gal gas, and a dead ambassador.
  10. I have a hard time believing the NG guys would get caught that flat footed. But other than that I liked it.
  11. I hit him in the head with a hammer to keep him from having a heart attack next week.
  12. I think there is a good chance the attackers used weapons we gave the them.
  13. Oh stop it. Didn't we have this discussion once before? Mostly because they are ignorant. They can't, because it would destroy their argument. Much like when Obama said if you banned late term abortions you would have to ban them all. That is all well and good, but don't use federal funds for it. They all want freedom and choice, as long as someone else pays for it. +1
  14. http://www.dallasnews.com/news/local-news/20121027-mock-zombie-apocalypse-on-halloween-part-of-counterterrorism-summit-s-training.ece
  15. $100,000 for this guy. http://crimeblog.dallasnews.com/2012/10/grand-prairie-band-director-accused-of-improper-relationship-with-student.html/
  16. http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/leon-panetta-us-lacked-early-info-on-benghazi-attack/2012/10/25/d3aa2ca5-e8af-4dc0-95d4-a1b28b517aa4_video.html They were watching a live feed. http://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/2012/10/24/breaking-news-white-house-watched-benghazi-attacked-and-didnt-respond/ They are all a bunch of liars.
  17. Campaigning is hard. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/26/us/politics/for-obama-aides-endgame-takes-grunt-work-and-math.html?exprod=myyahoo
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