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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. And those payroll taxes are assigned to certain programs (currently underfunded) if you cut those you have to make it up somewhere else.
  2. You seem to forget that the bottom are not currently paying federal income tax right now, so how are you going to cut their rate?
  3. For what? Everyone will have plenty, nobody will want for anything. Crime will disappear.
  4. You are dead wrong on this. His hardest work was on the golf course. My first thought was who hell is he going to blame now. And it will be so absolutely marvelous when he comes out and says, well you voted for me.
  5. so use someone elses name, it's not like they will ask for ID or anything.
  6. Not just the OT hours, I know guys that are linemen for NYSEG, union rules only allow so many hours before they get lunch and dinner breaks and if they work a certain number of hours they get paid for the meal break. I just wish these guys would be more worried about the people that need their power back on than the stupid union rules.
  7. And others(including the POTUS) have implied that Romney is breaking the law (which he is not) by investing in the Cayman, which is worse?
  8. I heard he had a 2.6 GPA at Columbia. Which explains a lot So Romney must be compliant with the law Obama signed, why is this an issue?
  9. Right, and the laws we live by allow you to move your money overseas, and Obama had two years to fix all the wrongs, and all he did was give us a giant money sucking ACA. Obama had two years to fix all these immoral tax shelters and incentives to move jobs to China, but the ACA was much more important to him.
  10. And the fact that we vote next week doesn't have anything to do with it?
  11. http://dailycaller.com/2012/11/02/new-jersey-town-to-ala-volunteer-utility-crew-dont-help-with-sandy-unless-youre-unionized/
  12. http://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2012/10/09/obama_asks_big_business_to_break_the_law_99925.html
  13. And if he hadn't done this http://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2012/10/09/obama_asks_big_business_to_break_the_law_99925.html what would it be?
  14. I think it is immoral to take the fruit of a mans labor and give it to some one else.
  15. Only if you think that wealth is finite. which it isn't
  16. You don't really want an answer to that do you? First and foremost get rid of Obama and his share the wealth redistribution programs and his anti fossil fuel EPA regulations.
  17. They have to hide their hard earn fruits, because other people want to take it and give it to people that will vote for them.
  18. In the Cayman Islands talking about things he is well versed in, meanwhile you sit in your mothers basement posting crap on a message board.
  19. begging for food? Martin Bashir bashes Mitt for collecting food. http://weaselzippers.us/2012/10/30/msnbcs-martin-bashir-ridicules-romney-for-collecting-food-and-supplies-for-hurricane-victims/
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