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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. sex offender registry for NY http://criminaljustice.state.ny.us/SomsSUBDirectory/search_index.jsp
  2. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc5jktlPDq1rt7fxmo1_500.jpg
  3. Urban areas that are largely democrat controlled and have strict gun laws.
  4. When you can hold a handgun under her chin and pull the trigger?
  5. Maybe she was outside, didn't hear the shots and came looking for her cousin? Unless his defense can prove that he snapped, he will be convicted for shooting them after they were wounded and no longer a threat.
  6. All is well. http://dailycaller.com/2012/11/26/white-house-silent-as-egypts-president-grabs-power-moves-toward-shariah-law/
  7. Newt disagrees!!! http://abcnews.go.co...ory?id=17760399 Just another RINO
  8. BCTGM union bosses salaries Officers and Employees■Average Total Compensation: $94,797.07 ■Total Employees: 58 ■Employees Making more than $75,000: 31 Top Ten Highest Paid Leaders Name Title Total Compensation FRANK HURT PRESIDENT $262,654.00 DAVID DURKEE SECRETARY-TREASURER $244,396.00 JOSEPH THIBODEAU EXEC VICE PRESIDENT $218,989.00 STEVE BERTELLI VICE PRESIDENT $198,062.00 MICHAEL KONESKO VICE PRESIDENT $184,297.00 ARTHUR MONTMINY VICE PRESIDENT $175,505.00 ANTHONY JOHNSON VICE PRESIDENT $167,433.00 ROBERT OAKLEY VICE PRESIDENT $167,265.00 RANDY ROARK VICE PRESIDENT $166,849.00 SEAN KELLY VICE PRESIDENT $161,789.00 Maybe they should have cut their salaries? http://able2know.org/topic/202031-1 I blame Rahm http://michellemalkin.com/2012/11/15/emanuel-vending-machine/
  9. On TV we could see thank you, but the Y in Military was not all there.
  10. I love stepping out of my vehicle onto a **** filled diaper some baby momma dropped on the ground.
  11. have you ever been a walmart parking lot on the 1st of a month?
  12. Because the settlers hunted them to near extinction, and because of the way they breed and the cub survival rate (low) it has taken this long for them to get back to healthy numbers.
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