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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. I think the defining moment was the cigar incursion.
  2. 1. government contracts always inflated 2. doesn't matter what we pay savings doesn't make a good payback 3. 45 years still doesn't pay back initial investment. 4. no it isn't. if had two hours of sun today we were lucky.
  3. http://www.eveningtribune.com/news/x1406679678/Solar-panels-soon-to-be-placed-at-Hornell-city-hall-water-treatment-plant The $144,000 project, funded with a New York State Energy Research and Development Authority grant and a $16,000 local share, will see 10 kilowatt panels installed on city hall and 17 kilowatt panels placed by the treatment plant. Combined, the two collections of panels will save the city over $2,000 annually. That is an 80 year ROI on a 20 year life expectancy.
  4. "The fossil fuels used to transport that waste, experts say, is not typically considered in calculating solar's carbon footprint, giving scientists and consumers who use the measurement to gauge a product's impact on global warming the impression that solar is cleaner than it is." Just pointing out another liberal lie.
  5. From the casings on the ground by the patrol car, it looks like they were using shotguns with buckshot.
  6. http://news.yahoo.com/solar-industry-grapples-hazardous-wastes-184714679.html
  7. and how is this unexpected? http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/31/business/economy/us-economy-unexpectedly-contracted-in-fourth-quarter.html?exprod=myyahoo&_r=0
  8. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/york-post-says-clinton-exploded-rage-benghazi-testimony-165326232.html
  9. A poorly written article that still doesn't answer the question.. Why wasn't a rescue attempted?
  10. If this is the "help" you are referring to, I would avoid it. http://voices.yahoo.com/governmental-social-welfare-programs-countrys-2125290.html
  11. Neither of those are protected by the Bill of rights. Now you are just being a dumba$$.
  12. Read it here: http://open.nysenate.gov/legislation/api/1.0/lrs-print/bill/S2230-2013
  13. "A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee," - Bill Clinton Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/bill-clinton-told-ted-kennedy-obama-coffee-years-game-change-article-1.197492#ixzz2Hyu4d200 http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/bill-clinton-told-ted-kennedy-obama-coffee-years-game-change-article-1.197492
  14. Pretty sure the guy in Webster offed himself after facing some return fire. http://www.boblonsberry.com/writings.cfm?story=3480&go=4
  15. To quote a great America "Stupid is as stupid does"
  16. For the most part they are, but never underestimate the stupidity of a criminal. I can see some dope lying in a pool of his own blood, with a print out from that site in his back pocket. Then his family will cry that the paper is to blame for his death because they provided the info he used in his crime.
  17. And when one of those homes listed in the paper get busted into, I hope they sue the pants off the paper.
  18. So a bad guy starts casing my street, he sees my pickup with an NRA sticker and a gun rack, goes down the street a little ways and sees a SAAB with an Obama sticker. which house do you think he enters?
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