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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. The state does not have "the power to kill". It is still a trial by peers, the penalties for conviction are mostly preset.
  2. And totally miss the point that it shouldn't happen at all.
  3. They look like fools because they are trying a case that they can't win win because the guy is innocent. I actually feel bad for them.
  4. Think about this for a minute, Let's just say I am a racist, why would I support a half breed latino? These people are just plain dumb. So the evidence has proven that GZ never said "coon" and his only mention of race was to answer the dispatchers question, meanwhile the prosecution witness testifies that TM used a racist term to describe GZ.
  5. IIRC years ago after an oil spill a group spent $40K to rescue a seal. Te day they released it to the ocean a killer whale ate it. Oh and that pretend reporter, yes I would!!!
  6. What better time to implement a flat tax and do away with this terrible waste of money.
  7. She asked for it by having all those this he doesn't. He should be shot on sight.
  8. Obamacare. http://redflagnews.com/headlines/los-angeles-school-district-using-990000-grant-to-train-its-students-to-sell-obamacare Welcome to a bright new world.
  9. "They'll warn that tyranny always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices." BO 5/5/13
  10. http://news.yahoo.com/anal-hazing-apparently-thing-american-high-schools-now-140040056.html
  11. http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/economic-intelligence/2013/06/24/immigration-reform-will-boost-the-economy-shrink-budget-deficits "The bill would expand the size of the population and workforce significantly, which in turn would directly increase the size of the economy, the revenue base and spending for federal benefit programs" There are no jobs for them you dope. :wallbash:
  12. They are: http://redflagnews.com/headlines/dod-issues-instructions-on-military-support-of-civilian-law-enforcement
  13. Zimmerman, 29, could get life in prison if convicted of second-degree murder for gunning down Martin on Feb. 26, 2012 nothing provocative in that article.
  14. I wonder when the wedding night video will be available?
  15. RS SENT $46 MILLION IN TAX REFUNDS TO 23,994 ‘UNAUTHORIZED’ ALIENS — ALL AT THE SAME ADDRESS IN ATLANTA http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/06/21/irs-sent-46-million-in-tax-refunds-to-23994-unauthorized-aliens-all-at-the-same-address-in-atlanta/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=story&utm_campaign=Share+Buttons
  16. "who now works as a sexy nightclub DJ" Why did they need to add the word sexy?
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