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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. You can't argue the facts so you call names? Hmm so democratic of you.
  2. Win what? Obama got the NPP so he's the greatest and can't be slapped. He drew another red line in the sand right, that should teach that towel head, Mr Assad..
  3. False, nothing false about it. Obama is the greatest, he putts like no other and can read speeches in his sleep. Assad is his play thing. I read that on MSNC
  4. You would, I heard he likes small boys. But back to the topic at hand, nobody B word slaps Mr Nobel peace prize Obama, if it looks like he did it's because Obama wants it to look that way.
  5. The ACA does not increase ability to see a doctor, it increases ability to pay the bill. It is about insurance not care
  6. Nancy Pelosi didn't read it why should I???? Whether it"attempts" to increase access and quality is one thing, I know it will decrease both. Not for people who don't work, which are the ones that are going to get "COVERAGE"
  7. The Blizzard no one heard about!! http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/10/10/a-record-setting-blizzard-killed-75000-cows-and-you-might-not-have-even-heard-about-it/ I'm sure it's just because they are too busy covering how Obama is making life hard on regular Americans.
  8. Not talking about shortage of doctors, I am talking about what is in the bill. More IRS agents for enforcement, not doctors for care. The Affordable Care Act is about getting people "covered" not cared for.
  9. Really how many doctors does it add in comparison to IRS agents?
  10. "In both reading and math, for example, those with college-educated parents did better than those whose parents did not complete high school." Oh really? How much did it cost to get these results?
  11. More of the same http://www.ijreview.com/2013/10/85674-nancy-pelosi-confronted-illegal-immigration-rally-filmmaker/
  12. You forget that the ACA was written by the Senate. All Tax laws must come from the House. The law should be invalid. http://www.silverdoctors.com/obamacare-now-invalid-because-tax-bills-must-originate-in-house/
  13. What's odd is that they think they are winning!!
  14. No http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_did_the_Tampa_Bay_Devil_Rays_change_their_name_to_the_Tampa_Bay_Rays
  15. Deadbeats!!!!!! http://www.ijreview.com/2013/10/85380-obama-dont-pay-mortgage-youre-deadbeat/
  16. These idiots talk as if raising the debt ceiling is the only possible solution to this. Why can't Mr. Harry Reid pass a balanced budget?
  17. The funds are there, they just keep giving it to political backers and friends (read Solyndra) instead of spending it on what needs to be done. We have a spending problem.
  18. Oh Really? http://wiki.answers...._Tampa_Bay_Rays You really should just give up already.
  19. It's the government, anything they do will cost more than what they say it will. http://www.ijreview.com/2013/10/84485-govt-tries-close-ocean-due-shutdown/
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