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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/10/17/chris-matthews-does-the-tea-party-still-count-blacks-as-35ths-when-it-talks-about-the-will-of-the-american-people/
  2. http://sanctification.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/image.jpg I have the original from about 15 years ago.
  3. Any chance that is what they wanted in the first place, hold to see how the roll out went, then back off an let it fail all on it's own. Next year they can say "hey, Jack, we tried to stop it"
  4. You know that they do this so the kids can stay in college and continue the indoctrination right?
  5. A strip club owned by a guy named Dick.. "Stephen Dick, the owner of Nite Moves,"
  6. He said pronto not tonto. and you are not supposed to post here. I can't argue with my self. Jim from drunkenville alaska is to bust screwing some moose to argue. Obama owned assad, Piers Morgan said so.
  7. Hey I was just warming up and he refused to refute!! I win
  8. Insurance is not a right, the USA government has no business mandating that people have it.
  9. Plus the failure is not going away, wait until tax season and everyone starts to pay the penalty for when they tried but couldn't enroll.
  10. https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/1385829_10151691451552596_1911908421_n.png
  11. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2013/10/13/hospital-job-cuts/2947929/ Things are going swimmingly. "The payroll cuts are surprising because the Affordable Care Act (ACA), whose implementation took a big step forward this month, is eventually expected to provide health coverage to as many as 30 million additional Americans."
  12. No, I want the government to stop spending more money to close itself than it would have cost to keep it open.
  13. You are right it's not the same, the veterans served their country and are being denied access to a memorial they paid for. The others are mostly illigal immigrants looking for a way around our immagration laws.
  14. Should be a good season. Couple of good story lines brewing.
  15. "The payroll cuts are surprising" No they aren't "because the Affordable Care Act (ACA) whose implementation took a big step forward this month," Ha, what big step, it doesn't work,!! "is eventually expected to provide health coverage to as many as 30 million additional Americans." So now they have coverage and won't be able to get care. hahahahaahaha Thanks Obama
  16. http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-immigration-rally-20131009,0,315074.story
  17. From the article: UPDATE: In an email statement, UnitedHealthCare spokesman Ben Goldstein told News 8, "With the many changes happening in health care, we are building a network of health care providers that we can collaborate with more closely to have the most positive impact on the quality of care for our members. We are prepared to help our members transition to new providers. Members with questions are encouraged to call the customer service number on the back of their member ID card for more information." The bold part means ACA This is what we warned about. unintended consequences!!!
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