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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. When the ACA has insured all the people that Obama claimed it would AND saved all the money Obama said it would, then you can let the wetbacks become citizens.
  2. Um, don't have too, they are turning the US into the the USSR.
  3. So how does anyone get a waiver from Obamacare?
  4. Obamacare phone operator fired for answering questions. http://news.yahoo.com/obamacare-phone-operator-who-talked-to-sean-hannity-loses-her-job-010931794.html Tolerance Fairness Transparency "If I had a sister, she would look like Earline Davis" said Obama never
  5. "And that number is likely understated as well, since many families don't realize they fall into this category or don't want to admit to it" How the heck do you not know you are homeless?
  6. “Nobody’s madder than me,” Obama declared Why ? Obama is exempt and doesn't have to enroll!!!
  7. In an emailed statement, UI spokesman Tom Moore said, “We can confirm that a teaching assistant sent an email with inappropriate content to her students.” Um, has this guy ever been to cancun on spring break?
  8. It was an anti-islamic video. Hope is such a wonderful thing. So what is the downside, double income to pay for this abortion.
  9. Slippery slope. Life is not fair. But that doesn't mean you should not put forth your best effort And yes some people will still fall short, so we need charities. You can not legislate away poverty,(see US social spending over the last 40+ years) however the poor would be better off if less people(able bodied) abused the system.
  10. BWA ha ha ha http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/bill-belichick-says-jets-cheated-too-used-same-142517927--nfl.html?vp=1
  11. So where does the extra cost of raising the wage come from? It sure as heck won't be from profits. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/mcdonald%E2%80%99s-new--dollar-menu--goes-up-to--5-144930006.html
  12. Take away the crutch and they just might surprise you!!!!
  13. They still don't get it!!!!! http://finance.yahoo.com/news/fast-food-chains-costing-taxpayers-173510741.html
  14. Episode two rocked. Another killer virus, plus someone kills anyone with a cough.
  15. http://autos.yahoo.com/blogs/motoramic/pickup-driver-fight-cyclists-leads-crushed-bike-jail-165443573.html
  16. Hey, this is about Assad. Stick to the subject connor
  17. What's to defend, the guy is a close to perfect as them come. From tingles up your leg to Peggy Joseph, to save a pregnant woman from fainting, the guy can do no wrong.
  18. I am sure the judge and jury will examine them closely.
  19. Surprised it doesn't say Error BHO2010: It's not my fault, please Blame my Predecessor.
  20. Designed to fail, so they can save us again!!! "There's no denying Republicans have had a horrendous couple of weeks. While it looks bad now, as the ACA implodes the republicans can say "remember we tried to stop it"
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