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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Out law small children, it's for their own good!!!
  2. Her gravy train shot himself in their facility, they let him in with the gun. Likely she is claiming they didn't do enough to help him.
  3. oh yeah to both the white bikini and the devil
  4. Not after the PC police have their way and ruin all the fun!! And that would put an end to this madness in a hurry, I would do it.
  5. I was hoping he would come back with some other nonsense.
  6. Robertson told GQ. "Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers-they won't inherit the kingdom of God.
  7. The owners could have done a live web feed and made piles of money.
  8. I was thinking it was the gay chick that didn't want to fight, a lot of the people on the bus were old and sick.
  9. If you watch just before the tank is destroyed by Daryl, it looks like Ty is running carrying something.
  10. The unions drove Manufacturing to China
  11. I was yelling for Carl to pull the trigger.
  12. Yeah, but they are trying to follow each character in the battle.
  13. Only fifty yards from the fence to the courtyard, how long do you think it would take the tank to cover that ground? Never been in a shoot out, but I think most times it's over rater quick.
  14. great mid season finale can't wait to see what is up next for the gang!!
  15. should be on the list. Jeff Foxworthy: And I started thinking about the differences, and they are vast, y'all. Like, sophisticated people invest their money in stock portfolios. Rednecks invest our money in commemorative plates. [laughter] Jeff Foxworthy: "Yeah, that's the legends of NASCAR series right there."
  16. Really, you think you know why I stood in a tree stand freezing my ass of better than I do? Well, sorry you are wrong. And I would love to go on safari and shoot a lion, I just can't afford it(law of supply and demand and all), so I stick to shooting deer, rabbits and ducks.
  17. I have to give B and gator credit, they are willing to go down with this wreck, more so than the guy that it's named after, because it's always someone else's fault.
  18. Because single men need maternity coverage? http://www.newrepublic.com/article/115479/obamacare-rate-shock-men-why-they-should-cover-maternity-services WOW."The minutea" 4.2 million people have had their plans cancelled. You are heartless
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