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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Nope, no consensus, so it's not settled!!! "There is considerable debate about the igneous crystallization ages of shergottites," says Thomas Lapen, an isotope geochemist at the University of Houston in Texas, who has previously dated ALH84001 to 4.1 billion years old.
  2. Same group. the guy Daryl punched was on the porch.
  3. The point is the USA has spent billions and they are not better off and in some cases worse off. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/08/28/these-seven-charts-show-the-black-white-economic-gap-hasnt-budged-in-50-years/
  4. it was just a slow down in murders, maybe the bodies are hiding at the bottom of Lake Michigan?
  5. Not sure if I would kill for sex with her, but you never know!
  6. I've noticed that the cutest animals taste the best.
  7. say what? http://www.ijreview.com/2014/02/118238-cnns-don-lemon-journalist-weigh-much-criticize-president-hes-black/
  8. My wife and kids get mad at me every time I point that out.
  9. So important he bought a new one? and to save some money bought a metal detector to find the old one to sell. "I said, 'Hey, you know what, maybe I'll try to find it on the slopes with a metal detector,'" he explained. "The cost of the new one was a lot and I wish I had the old one to sell to make up for the cost." so he invested in a new metal detector from Amazon.
  10. 1.5 years was mentioned in an interview on-line or during talking dead. If the cereal didn't have bugs in it, it would be better than starving.
  11. Hiding from the two that were fighting over the bed?
  12. Another denier: http://dailycaller.com/2014/02/25/greenpeace-co-founder-no-scientific-evidence-of-man-made-global-warming/?onswipe_redirect=no
  13. But that does not preclude them from having an agenda.
  14. Do you deny that the LGBT have targeted businesses that would deny them so that they could cry discrimination?
  15. What about the rights of the religious business owner not to have the gay agenda forced on them?
  16. "Start-Up NY applies only to new or certain expanding businesses that are willing to partner with universities in the state and locate near their campuses. " http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Cuomo-New-York-tax-free/2014/02/04/id/550910
  17. But, But think of all the starving children.....
  18. Only hire interns, save a bunch of dough. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/16/fashion/millennials-internships.html?_r=0
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