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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Those 17 years debunk the claims that more CO2 lead to higher global temps, those years that were hot still did not raise the overall temps enough to meet the dire predictions of Al Gore and his worshipers, so not they adjust their faulty models and hope that no on remembers what they said all those years ago.
  2. That is all you could find to refute? Pretty week argument The temperature has been flat for 17 years even as CO2 has been increasing, meanwhile Al Gore was claiming the ice caps would be gone by this year.
  3. Why leave that out in the open?, with that facility they could hide that crap any where. It would only take one of them to open the train, (security is not real tight at this place) then Rick could take them to the weapons cache.I bet these people are not used to dealing with people that tear out other peoples throats with their teeth.
  4. It's not like anyone that needs this stuff have a job to go to or anything!!
  5. WOLF!!!!! http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-03-31/climate-report-warns-of-death-flooding-and-economic-loss#r=rss
  6. Joe had said "why hurt yourself, when you can hurt other people?", Daryl knew, he just didn't know it was his people! Yes it should start with a bang, because it will be a very boring season if they spend more than one episode in that box car.
  7. No we don't Nope http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamestaylor/2013/03/06/as-carbon-dioxide-levels-continue-to-rise-global-temperatures-are-not-following-suit/
  8. "Patience Perez, a former guard at the Renaissance Academy in Virginia Beach, was given a seven month suspended sentence Friday for having sex with the student and plotting to kill her husband with the child, authorities said. She is facing similar charges in another jurisdiction for the incident." Was she going to beat the husband over the head with the kid
  9. Some on the bus were still sick with that fever.
  10. If they were wrong about that, what else are they wrong about?
  11. Maybe she is "Lizzie" all grown up and keeps her "friends" in one of the buildings and feeds newcomers to them?
  12. shoot first, and leave no witnesses!!
  13. Just trying to finish that bucket list. Sex in jail, check
  14. But they aren't failing, they get elected and re-elected by continuing these lies.
  15. Less than 10 percent have signed up. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/mar/16/curl-we-completely-overhauled-american-health-care/
  16. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2582121/Female-teacher-31-faces-seven-years-bars-performing-sex-act-18-year-old-student-classroom-sending-partially-nude-photos.html
  17. “The City spends a smaller percentage of its total education budget on maintenance and operations than six of the seven largest school districts in the country. New York City reports less than two percent of school buildings to be in ‘good’ condition and the majority to be in only ‘fair’ condition. The City is forced to triage a growing list of building deficiencies while hundreds of schools fail to meet accessibility, environmental, and building code criteria.” And yet: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/23/new-york-student-spending-census_n_3322237.html "In line with data released last year and the year before that, the bureau found that New York spends more money per pupil than any other state." So where does all the money go?
  18. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/nevada-mom-sentenced-prison-hiring-son-brother-kill-ex-husband-article-1.1712769 Yes, but not if she has insurance on me.
  19. Anything that uses a manufacturing process that creates so called "greenhouse gases". Cap and trade will make them more expensive because either they will have to buy more credits or modify their equipment to meet the arbitrary standards created by the envirowackos, and we both know that those costs will be passed to the end users.
  20. It's the my cruise sucked jackpot. http://health.yahoo.net/news/s/nm/carnival-passengers-sue-for-damages-over-disrupted-2013-cruise "It was chaotic. People were in dire need of help," said Oubre. "We were standing in line for food for two hours." Oh the humanity!!!
  21. So I pay even more for an item made in the USA, or I buy it from Asia for a lot less?
  22. But this is the Walking Dead, they have no issue killing off characters.
  23. It was a trap, the place was clean, no dust on the food, the animal traps that Beth go her foot caught in, the dog was in on it!!
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