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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2724381/Mastodon-tusks-primitive-tools-discovered-fisherman-suggest-humans-settled-North-America-thousands-years-previously-thought.html ""The incredible archaeological find was discovered in 230 feet of water 60 miles off shore in 1974. Fishermen who were dragging their scalloping nets across the bottom of the bay snagged a massive mastodon skull and dragged it to the surface." "The Chesapeake has been underwater since the last ice age ended 14,000 years ago - meaning the tool is at least 14,000 years old." So oceans have risen and receded long before the SUV, but this time it's our fault. Sorry not buying it.
  2. Maybe we should not buy or sell anything to them until they all learn to get along?
  3. Seems like that might be a health code violation?
  4. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/12/nigel-willis-vibrator-death_n_5671791.html?cps=gravity
  5. I laugh to tears almost every time I watch RV, mostly because I can related so much to the kids attitudes. Giant rolling turd.
  6. http://www.buffalonews.com/city-region/courts/former-teacher-gets-30-days-in-jail-for-kissing-student-20140813
  7. http://www.buffalone...ar-old-20140812 I wonder what the difference is?
  8. So your POS is better than my POS. And the guy in the middle of the clip says anyone would be better than Obama http://foxnewsinsider.com/2014/08/11/watters%E2%80%99-world-marthas-vineyard-edition
  9. All I hear is Han Solo, "It's not my fault!"
  10. Deleted her e-mails? http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/214625-obamacare-office-raises-possibility-of-lost-emails
  11. Russians have a great sense of humor!! http://www.huffingto...kusaolp00000592 Maybe not racists as much as homophobic?
  12. Nice 4 and 5 are awesome , 24 looks like a guy, why is 27 in there
  13. And in gun free Chicago..... http://news.yahoo.com/demoted-worker-shoots-ceo-kills-self-chicago-165512416.html
  14. "Police were able to identify Ramirez by a distinctive eight-inch tattoo across her lower back." It's called a tramp stamp for a reason. Yes
  15. and yet again. http://www.ijreview.com/2014/07/161159-5-criminals-escape-downed-policeman-thats-meet-concealed-carry-owner-named-eastwood/
  16. Strange you should mention that pit. http://news.yahoo.com/carjacked-vehicle-hits-crowd-killing-2-kids-172956317.html Need to outlaw carjacking
  17. Back to the topic, good guy with gun stops bad guy with gun. http://www.ijreview.com/2014/07/160638-doctor-disobeyed-gun-free-zone/
  18. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2014/07/23/nyt-ny-governor-hobbled-state-ethics-commission-n1865054
  19. I want to know where he got the .22lr ammo, I can't find any at any stores!!
  20. See how she feels now http://www.ijreview.com/2014/07/158056-six-years-later-woman-thought-obama-pay-gas-mortgage-changed-tune/
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