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Everything posted by thebandit27

  1. Okay, serious question: is it your belief that human bodies are intended to crash full speed into each other in perpetuity? File this under "he probably should've made a different choice of words", but let's not act like he doomed the league.
  2. I'm with Gunner on Shaq--I had him as a top-15 talent. He's not a quick-twitch guy, but I actually think he'll be a very good pass rusher/EDGE guy in the NFL. I think he compares well with Terrell Suggs actually. Both were 20+ TFL guys as Seniors, both are in the 270-lb range, both played up/down/in/out, etc. They also had very similar combine numbers: both had 33" vertical and 120-inch broad. Suggs pressed 19 reps; Shaq didn't press because of the shoulder, but it would shock me if he weren't in the same realm. Suggs had a slower 40, but that's useless when evaluating front-7 guys (just ask Clowney).
  3. It was between 180 and 190 deg. F for the record.
  4. I'll get skewered by some locals for this, but Tim Horton's needs to lower their coffee temperature. It's literally undrinkable for something close to a half-hour after ordering on account of temperature.
  5. Exactly. It's akin to judging Greg Roman based on Jim Harbaugh's record as a HC.
  6. I do think that Boykin has a chance at the No. 3 gig. He has a rapport with Tyrod and is the only guy on the roster behind Sammy and Woods that produced a solid season in the NFL
  7. I'm enjoying the "subterfuge" tweets
  8. Seems totally impractical. No way to police it short of reading all reporters' stuff and banning them from further practices if they report any of the above. Again, seems impractical and silly
  9. He's missed 13 games in 4 seasons--he's hardly Goodwin
  10. Let's see: Union vs Billionaires; how would RBG rule on that? I think we know that answer
  11. The two are completely unrelated. He bought the team because he wanted to own the team. Obviously he wants them to win, and I'm 100% certain that he'd like to start winning now. However, I'm also 100% sure that he's not sitting in his office thinking "well, if I knew we'd only be 1 game over 0.500 two years into ownership, I never would've bought this team".
  12. Not thrilled, but as K-9 said, different story if he starts missing mandatory work. Until then it's merely a sign that he wants a new deal.
  13. Now you all know I'm not a huge PFF guy, but it's good to see that the numbers back up what many of us were sure we saw. It's one of the key areas in which Tyrod needs to improve
  14. Hah! I know the feeling. Blew out my spinal erectors deadlifting a few years back and have resulting SI joint dysfunction, yet I still lift like I'm perfectly healthy. My chiropractor assures me I'm doing no further damage, but some days the pain is stupid. I will say that a foam roller, a lacrosse ball, and some targeted soft tissue work nightly makes an enormous difference.
  15. Do not become obsessed with powerlifting
  16. Definitely Tempo. Get the ribeye. If not, both Toutant (get the chicken and waffles) and Seabar (beef on weck sushi rolls) are excellent as well.
  17. Honestly I don't look all that closely. For one thing, you get used to female fitness competitors posing in such garb, so it doesn't phase you anywhere near as much as it used to in the past. For another, I'm typically in the zone when I lift. I'll exchange pleasantries with others, but I'm usually going at an intense enough effort level that I'm too busy trying not to pass out to spend much time admiring the scenery. Not that the girl isn't good looking; she's attractive from what I can tell 50 feet away--I'm just a bit spoiled by Mrs. Bandit. Now, were I a single dude in my 20's, I can assure you that I'd be paying closer attention.
  18. I saw far more exposure at my gym this morning. There's a girl that competes in the bikini class of a local federation, and she routinely will come in very early in the morning to use the classroom for posing practice (it has all kinds of mirrors). Her standard wardrobe consists of a bikini top and thong, plus high heels. The girl from the article was wearing the same thing as 90% of the girls in my gym...and many of them are built the same way.
  19. Bill, a big part of the problem is that the vast majority of posters don't do what you're describing here, yet more than a few folks want to paint it that way. That rankles me far, far more than most criticisms leveled at the organization You will rarely, if ever, see a poster taken to task for having doubts about Rex/Whaley/etc and stating so in a reasonable fashion You will, however, see an opinion questioned if it appears unjustified or is presented in an obnoxious or combative manner
  20. Note: it may be worth considering that the viewpoint(s) opposing the "dissenting" opinion may, in fact, have merit in its own right
  21. Here's an idea: instead of returning fire, which in turn makes some folks look equal and opposite in their zealotry, why not engage the plentiful number of people that ARE willing to discuss the merits of the apparent "dissenting" opinion?
  22. I'd hope that Rex is in greater danger than Whaley, but no, I don't think either guy survives a meltdown season
  23. Whaley has, yes. When he was given full charge of the football dept, he completely revamped the college and pro personnel dept--that's a fairly sizable change. To me, it's night-and-day different in terms of how they've operated since Nix stepped down.
  24. Those were supposed to be hands clapping in agreement.
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