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Everything posted by thebandit27

  1. OMG if Kouandjio could've gotten a hand on the LB, that would've left Clay to escort Shady clear through the secondary.
  2. We all need to check the OL complaints at the door--the All-22 last week showed that they opened holes, and I believe it'll do the same this week. Oh, and Tyrod had ALL DAY to throw on many occasions.
  3. Miller's been very good. The weak links on the line have been Mills and--to a lesser extent--Richie.
  4. Namely his QB And I can't blame him one iota The RT spot yes, but they do in fact have a power back; Rex hasn't dressed him yet
  5. He, like everyone else, was pathetic tonight
  6. He was awful tonight
  7. No. That you need a good OL to win is outdated. NE, Seattle, Green Bay, all won with lousy OL play. You need a QB.
  8. I agree with that last sentence, which means BOTH sides here must be shilling, so who's paying you to stump, and when does my check arrive? You seem to know a lot about this paid Internet shill stuff... Or without the shtick: when people say silly things to trash a guy, I like to correct them. When it goes off the rails with even sillier claims, I tend to try harder to bolster my point. You go ahead and believe whatever X-Files theory you can come up with. You're wrong; plain and simple. Also, it wouldn't hurt to occasion to read what others actually say--you look foolish calling someone that criticized the Ryan hire, the selections of guys like Kouandjio, Ragland, and Darby (glad to be wrong about that last one) a shill. But like you said: it's 2016 and this is the Internet, so why bother actually considering if an accusation like that is warranted when you can simply shoot your mouth off unchecked. I'm done with your act. Yeah, look at those amazing OLs that Brady, Rodgers, and Wilson are playing behind! That's an outdated and untrue argument. Again, Try researching your point. And then Russ had the audacity to fire him? #shillinlikeavillian
  9. Yeah, once we reach the "you must be a shill" portion of the discussion, we're off the deep end. Not surprising. When the owner's printed words don't jibe with the narrative, then this is the clear fall-back, because trying to actually prove the narrative in the face of that is impossible.
  10. I agree, and I'll add that the coalition hired by the Patriots smear-campaign committee to trash Brandon has done an equally good job of deflecting from the issue that we haven't found a franchise QB. There's nothing dumber than the idea that anyone that disagrees with you on this subject must be a shill. I promise that you're as much of a shill as I am.
  11. Just got a chance to watch more of Patrick Mahomes...yeah, this kid really has a chance to be good.
  12. So how far are we willing to take this? Did Russ fire John Butler too?
  13. The GM is not impotent in any way, shape, or form. If he was adamantly opposed to Rex he'd have said so, and there's no doubt Pegula would've taken that into account. Read the linked piece--Whaley had his fair go at Rex in the interview process. Also, I was unaware that the fans were the ones that sold all the luxury boxes back in '98 when that was the roadblock to keeping them here. You may not like Russ, but he was the driving force in getting it done. http://m.sportsbusinessdaily.com/Journal/Issues/2001/11/20011105/Forty-Under-40/Russ-Brandon.aspx?
  14. Seems more to me like the Pegulas are following the same model as they did with the Sabres. Leave the structure in place for a few years and let them sink or swim. With the Sabres, when it didn't work out, they brought in a de facto czar in Lafontaine. My guess is that they will (or would) do the same here.
  15. Welcome back. It actually has zero to do with fear of change. In fact, I'be been swayed enough by Coach's post to say that maybe Brandon's ouster wouldn't be an altogether bad idea. It has everything to do with misdirected outrage. Folks saying Brandon has too much influence because he told Pegula that he should move quickly to hire the guy he already wanted to hire. I've said all along that Whaley and Rex should be given this season, and if the results aren't satisfactory, then they should go. I'd be fully in favor of a guy like Cowher or Coughlin being brought on in a LaFontaine-like role to hire the next GM (and I'd hope to pry Will McClay away from Dallas with full control over the 53).
  16. 16 years is how the whole discussion started; try reading the OP. No QB = no winning Blame the GMs. Or don't. For me, I've said my piece, and folks can choose to believe what they will. I, however, won't be pinning the Rex hire (which I never liked) on Brandon when it's clear from Pegula's statement where things stood. I'm out. Go Bills.
  17. Just FYI, this poster has been on the inside of 1 Bills Drive in a professional capacity. If he's speaking in absolutes, then it's safe to take him at his word in my experience.
  18. I wondered when you'd chime in...please feel free to elaborate if you know better than I on this one
  19. When you support the assertion with a quote from the owner saying that after the GM asked his questions and "we all" knew Rex was the guy, so Russ said "don't let him leave", and that's the definitive word that he has too much influence, what do you expect? Telling your boss to hire a guy he wants to hire isn't having influence. At best, it's wanting the appearance of influence. I've said from the beginning that this entire conversation is wrought from the misplaced desire to point the finger at one person for the last 16 years of failure. In reality, the reason is much simpler: no QB. You want to know who to blame? Here's a list: John Butler Tom Donahoe Marv Levy Tom Modrak Buddy Nix And--if you don't believe that Tyrod is the guy (which how could you at this time?)--Doug Whaley.
  20. I don't know why my view that your opinion is disjointed makes you sad; it's not personal. It just doesn't make sense to me that anyone would consider the amount of influence that you credit Russ with to be significant. If that felt insulting then you have my most sincere apologies.
  21. I'll throw the name of Bill Cowher out there
  22. If you truly feel that his influence is somewhere in the 6-8 range (note: I see that you changed your post to 4-7; did you reconsider or did you realize that maybe your initial charge wasn't strong enough to support the vitriol?) then what could possibly be your issue with him nodding his head that you'd opine so strongly about his involvement and influence? This has been my point from the beginning: being a "yes man" constitutes significant influence in your estimation? I thoroughly disagree. And no, I'm not being obtuse. I just assumed you had sound reasoning that I hadn't considered. I now realize that your opinion is simply disjointed IMO. I will, however, leave you to it at this point.
  23. I certainly didn't feel attacked; I don't take offense. Maybe Coach thought your calling me a "super homer" (or perhaps he remembers your calling me a shill) was in bad taste; I couldn't care less.
  24. You really don't know if he was in the room during cuts? Okay then, he was. Glad I could clear that up. What players did he cut? I think 98/100 people would agree that the answer is none (I counted you and fridge as the 2 ). Again I ask: what does telling your boss to hire a guy that he already wants to hire do? You've read the article. "Doug asked his questions, and that's when we knew Rex was our guy" - Terry Pegula We can go around and around on this all day, but in the end you're basically blasting Russ's "yes manning" if that article is to be believed
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