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Everything posted by thebandit27

  1. I'll respectfully ask either of you to point out any one single racist comment on this thread. Thanks.
  2. One of the best network shows ever DENNY CRANE!
  3. Nearly everyone in this thread has said that they respect his right to protest. I've seen zero racism in this thread.
  4. That's what I was thinking of...pretty sure it bounced inside the 1. I remember thinking that it was about time he hit a good one, and that it couldn't have come at a better time in the game.
  5. I think it would be under "passes defensed"
  6. It was bad, but do I remember correctly that he had an absolutely clutch punt that checked up inside the 5 and lead to Gilmore's first INT?
  7. I maintain that audiences everywhere will walk out of that movie and need to see more of Donnie Yen...the Hong Kong action market will get a nice uptick in views.
  8. Absolutely. It's the very thing that I said leading up to the 2015 draft when I looked at his video: mid-round pick, immediate starter, long-time contributor, never a pro bowler...and that's totally fine.
  9. He's been very good--Buffalo's best lineman IMO. It's not that I'm expecting regression per se, I simply don't think he'll be among the top 6-8 guards in the NFL. He's not on the level of guys like Osemele, Yanda, etc., which is okay with me.
  10. Protein on its face? No. Branch-chain amino acids, carnitine, carnosine, creatine, zinc, B12, D3, DHA, and taurine? Yes.
  11. Why do people keep saying this? The Bills have been a losing organization for 16 years, so it's not any one type of game they've lost.
  12. It's a football game; the opposing QB is going to get booed. If some folks want to make the booing about his protest, then fine. The rest of us will boo him because he plays for the other team. If he wants to take some kind of righteous satisfaction away because he believes that I'm booing him over his protest, then that's fine. It doesn't affect me one way or the other. But boo him I shall, because I boo opposing QBs, and I'm not going to treat him one bit differently than I would've before his protest.
  13. Functional strength as well...plus his footwork--not technique-wise, but rather cutting down on the number of steps it takes to get him where he needs to be. He's following the exact career path I had him on before the 2015 draft. I suspect he'll make one more leap between this season and next, which will put him among the better guards in the NFL. I still don't think he'll ever be a pro bowl caliber guard, but that's totally fine with me.
  14. I would suspect it wouldn't involve jail time. I have no intention of spitting on anyone, rest assured. He's going to get booed; the problem is that all the extra attention will make the normal booing and harassing that an opposing QB receives from our fans seem like it's targeted because of his protests. Ignoring him completely means treating him differently than every other opposing QB, which I don't think we should do.
  15. I think that would be an extreme overreaction on your part if indeed you're implying that violence would ensue. I'd probably speak up on the person's behalf, and then I'd get security.
  16. Jail? For spitting? Please tell me you aren't making that argument. Kick them out, sure. Jail? That's just dumb.
  17. You're going to jail someone for spitting at a football game?
  18. And as I told you when you tried grandstanding about this in another thread: he plays for the other team; he's going to get booed. Fans are probably going to chant "USA" just to troll him...and guess what: it'll be the same everywhere else he plays.
  19. I'd give him top 10 money, yes. Based on everything I've seen, he doesn't get beat any more than any of the other top-tier guys (save for maybe Peterson; he seems to be back on top of his game now). For discussion, here's a bunch of All-22 clips from Sunday's game. He's doing his job: https://storify.com/YardsPerPass/bills-vs-rams-all22-defense As to the issue of Kaep, I think both he and Chip have a LOT to prove. The last time Chip was paired with a mobile QB in the NFL (Vick), it went very poorly. That said, I totally agree that his ability to create plays (similar to Tyrod's) is going to be the greatest threat to a Buffalo victory this week. Here's to hoping the game plan is rush wide, keep contain, play zone, and use middle spies from time to time.
  20. Exactly. Every single corner in the NFL gets beat. Every game. Some added context: http://buildingtheherd.com/commentary/stephon-gilmore-bills-deal/
  21. The losing team will turn the ball over 3 times.
  22. Games such as what? I'd like to see some type of context on this...the Bills have a history of losing period. It has zero to do with "games such as this".
  23. I got absolutely skewered en masse a few years ago for saying that it wasn't Crossman's fault.
  24. I agree about being unable to empathize. I also think dubs made a fair point about Kaep picking a sketchy subject (police allegedly murdering blacks) to serve as the central talking point of his protest, since as he says, the facts don't really support his position. I personally wish he'd have couched his verbal statements differently; maybe focus on issues for which there's a clearer history of inequality. That doesn't, however, mean that I don't think he's doing what he believes is right. I'll boo him on Sunday, and boo him raucously--because he plays for the opponent, and that's kind of what I do If a friend of mine sat during the anthem, I'm probably too outspoken not to tell him that I didn't agree with it. I also wouldn't make it such an issue that it affected my life. Freedom and all that jazz.
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