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Everything posted by thebandit27

  1. Trent Murphy is a very good football player
  2. I give this thread 1-1/2 pages before a kind soul arrives to tell us that it’s meaningless in the ecclesiastical sense of the word
  3. I had to clarify that I was asking about the Wendy’s shooting. I have not heard about this one. Looking into that now...
  4. Innocent people? Did I miss something (with regard to the recent Wendy’s shooting I mean)?
  5. Last I was told was 6 months, and you could file for a hearing to get your license back. Perhaps that’s outdated or was never accurate but that’s what I was told EDIT: Google tells me that it is indeed one year. Not sure what the 6 months is about...apparently the hearing allows one to drive for work/professional purposes
  6. Really depends on where you are; NYS has implied consent for breathalyzer tests. Refusal means an automatic suspension of one’s license for 6 months (subject to appeal) and a fine of up to $500.
  7. He’s got a path back in now that he likely doesn’t need to prove that football is his #1 priority. It’s pretty obvious that it’s not, which I’m sure is at least part of why he doesn’t have an NFL job. Coaches want a QB that loves football to an almost obsessive extent. Kaep showed in recent years that it certainly comes 2nd to activism. That’s going to make it tough to land a job when you’re also demanding $20M. Just look at how Josh Rosen slid down in the draft and has been replaced twice already thanks in no small part to his well-documented desires to be politically active.
  8. Just a point of order: tasers can (and do, in fact) kill... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/police-killed-1000-people-tasers-since-2000
  9. I disagree but I don’t think it’s crazy to put Buffalo ahead. Except at TE, those other teams are probably clear and away better. WRs are largely a push and I have to think Buffalo has the RB edge.
  10. This dude must be flexible as all get out, because that’s quite possibly the biggest stretch I’ve ever heard
  11. Devin. It takes time to adjust to the speed of the NFL game, and he’s got a year of running behind this OL, which gives him an edge in terms of timing and reading his blocks.
  12. It took someone else saying literally the exact same thing for you to see the point?
  13. Since you asked, how about we criticize the act and not the person? Or at least criticize the trait that we are insulted by? You lose a lot of credibility when you throw “plus he’s a midget dwarf [with an unattractive wife]” on top of it (let alone leading with it and making sure to Trumpishly include it in every comment). The point is simple: if you’re a person that claims to be against discrimination on the basis of appearance traits that can’t be changed, maybe it’s worth being an example as opposed to doing that very same thing yourself. I’ve made my point and I’ll leave it there.
  14. You get a sad face because Randy Newman sucks I see, so the barometer by which we judge whether or not insulting someone’s appearance is okay is whether or not a wide swathe of the population suffers from it? Guess I’m really struggling to see how there isn’t a huge cognitive dissonance occurring here
  15. I don’t know that I’d call myself a fan, but I do listen on occasion because he’s extremely intelligent and has a unique perspective. And again, it isn’t about him per se. It’s the criticism of someone’s physical appearance when they have no control over it; that’s no more appropriate than criticizing someone for their skin color. As to Fromm, in a timing based offense he can be effective; for how long I’m not sure.
  16. So once again, the criteria for “it’s okay to belittle a part of someone’s appearance that they can’t control” is their personality? You realize what you’re implying, right?
  17. I love what he said about learning from an NFL locker room. I was fortunate enough to hear former Super Bowl center and college coach, Bill Curry, give a talk that he called “what happens in the huddle” about the racial dynamics in the 60s and how football taught him to respect his black teammates in a way he may not have otherwise learned.
  18. Have you considered that McDermott’s model has been defense/ball control by necessity up to this point? Also, the “gotta throw the ball” thing isn’t correct. 7 of the top 10 teams in rushing attempts in 2019 finished top 10 in points scored.
  19. Sure. Definitions aside, it’s a pretty simple concept: don’t be a jerk. I speak from experience when I say that midget jokes start out as just that, but it isn’t so funny when people almost twice your size are pinning you down so that others can take turns punching you in the privates. So while that stuff may not be as prevalent or generational as racism, they’re cut from the same cloth.
  20. Well there’s an awful lot in there that is debatable at best (and flat out false at worst). So in order to avoid a useless exchange where we don’t get anywhere, I’ll boil it down to this: your comments don’t at all address the core issue that I asked: it’s either okay to insult someone purely based on their appearance or it isn’t. Period. I think we all know the answer, so it’s pretty hypocritical to pick and choose when it’s okay.
  21. Agreed. Recipe for disaster. Also I’m now baking cookies with the boys this weekend.
  22. So let me ask this: if Shapiro were, say, a black man, would it be okay to criticize his skin color because of his personality, or is it strictly other physical traits that are okay to insult because you don’t like his personality? I think the point that you aren’t getting is that it’s either okay to criticize someone based on a part of their appearance over which they have zero control or it isn’t. Pick one.
  23. Seriously...hot water? For cookies?
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