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Everything posted by thebandit27

  1. I said back in August that it’s nigh imperative that this team start 4-0. We’re 75% of the way there. Get that done, and you enter the brutal portion of the schedule needing to go 6-6 the rest of the way to more or less ensure a playoff spot.
  2. My theory is that we’re preparing...the NFC is the home team for this year’s Super Bowl. Might as well get used to the whites...
  3. What they missed is the same thing that I missed in my first go-around scouting him: he didn’t have accuracy problems. The ball goes where he wants it to go—provided he doesn’t rush his process and keeps his lower body balance consistent. Once I noticed that, it became a question of whether the kid wants to be great badly enough to build the kind of mechanical consistency it takes to rid himself of erratic throws, and whether he possessed the ability to process well enough for the game to slow down. I gave him the benefit of the doubt there...
  4. The Fritz Pollard Alliance will have a field day of Roman gets the job 4 months from now—what minority candidate could possibly be considered anything but a token interview if they already knew who they wanted in September?
  5. I believe it was Nate Odoms with the FG block... That was also the game where the officials kept stopping the game clock and play clock to ask the crowd to quiet down because Elway couldn’t hear... Shockingly, it didn’t work.
  6. I confess that I definitely won’t be giving this a second thought; no offense intended just being honest
  7. Um, ok. I guess I just don’t understand why it bothers you that much... I mean, I actually like Arch. He’s not Charles Davis, but he’s still pretty good.
  8. You’re taking this a bit personal...
  9. Arch loves tough guy QBs, so yeah, he’s all about our boy.
  10. As others have said: this was a “when” not an “if”, so the key is how it’s handled
  11. Well your scenario is apples to oranges at best. Where I work, and just about everywhere else, you get promoted for what you’ve done. If your performance slips, you can be demoted just as quickly. Is that an indictment of the people doing the promoting or the person being demoted? A much greater offense would be to stick with an underperforming person and not recognizing the issue. And there’s no point in getting high and mighty about echo chambering...aren’t you the poster that used to destroy the organization for not spending money? Here they’ve extended a player that was very good for them and it somehow bothers you that it might not have been a great investment. Guys get benched. It happens. Sometimes a player has a rough patch; sometimes he gets too comfortable after getting paid. You’d like to believe that executives would see it coming, but that doesn’t always happen.
  12. He was their most consistent offensive lineman last year, so they have him an extension for modest money that they can easily get out of. What’s the problem?
  13. The Raiders can really run the ball; this ain’t no cake walk. They’re physical and fast, and they have some dangerous pass catchers. This would be a good week to get the run game going.
  14. Yes that $4.5M of guaranteed money is crippling
  15. He makes some throws every week that maybe 2-3 other QBs in the game can make. Just sensational.
  16. The throw to Diggs that was deemed “just not fair” along the sideline. That was absolutely ridiculous
  17. Yeah well I remember when a poster on this board called the Bills an “offense that can barely score 2 TDs per game” back in August
  18. Been thinking about that as well...they’re due... One basic and one outrageous. Basic will be a queso with chorizo and salsa verde. The outrageous is a sloppy joe dip that has everything but the kitchen sink—it’s so good that I prefer to upgrade the moniker to “Untidy Joseph”. The other side to that coin is that an offense that can move the ball reliably draws enough respect that trick plays are easier to pull off.
  19. Not a good idea—my guess is that most of us will be eating and/or drinking today, and I’m fairly confident that said food/drink making a second appearance wouldn’t be welcomed. But for the record, it was in the parking lot of my favorite sandwich shop in Williamsville. 😡
  20. I am getting the feeling that Smoke is going to get 2 today... and that I will do his touchdown dance (again).
  21. Well apparently my daughter is ready to roll since she got up at 4:00 a.m. Agenda: Coffee More coffee Breakfast - blueberry muffins, French toast, cider donuts Church Coffee [supposed to be math lesson for the twins, but they’re rocking the heck out of some flash cards at the moment so I may skip it] Did I mention Coffee? Make Brunch burgers and dips for game GAME TIME
  22. I think both camps are an extreme minority
  23. There are certain people that are extremely sensitive about any statement that may imply even slightly that the team isn’t perfect...unless it came from them. Personally, I think it’s fine to believe that the team is a serious Super Bowl contender AND understand that they haven’t beaten a good team yet.
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