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Everything posted by thebandit27

  1. Mrs Bandit always worried that people would think I was a married man with his side baby mama because she couldn’t wear a ring when pregnant. Hopefully Kroft’s wife doesn’t get some of the same looks we did 🤣🤣
  2. They can move down the field when engaged, provided that they down move further downfield once they disengage. That didn’t happen...and take your misapplied stuffiness elsewhere. I didn’t say that penalty (which is definitely a penalty despite the fact that it rarely gets called) has anything to do with why they lost. Try reading. And yes, the Chiefs benefited from some lucky breaks that helped them stay 2 scores ahead instead of it being a one score game on the final drive. To deny that, you’d have to have not watched the game. If you think I said they’re lucky to win, then once again I’d encourage you to try reading.
  3. There are bad takes, and then there’s this. Yes, it’s a penalty. To say “perfectly legal play” is ignorance of the highest order. Do the officials let this particular penalty go uncalled all the time? Yes. Does that make it “perfectly legal”? No. Period. And no, the reason Buffalo was in the game was because the LadyBeaters didn’t score enough points to put them out of it, and got lucky with Bass missing a FG and CEH fumbling 1/4 second after his knee went down.
  4. Or it shows that some are conditioned to have an irrational bias towards negativity given the 2 decades of horrendous failure we recently emerged from...
  5. On nearly every screen pass? Absolutely. The times it gets called? Usually not.
  6. No, deep down you get that sense. I don’t get that sense. I just want a W
  7. This penalty is the one that drives me batty every Sunday. It happens all the time and doesn’t get called. And then, occasionally, an official will decide “yeah, you know what? I’m feelin’ it this time.” and throws a flag. I’d say it gets called 1 out of every 20 times I see it.
  8. Makes sense. Those option routes are especially dangerous near the goal line with a guy like Bease—just iso him in the slot, he releases inside and the defender basically has to pick his leverage. If he shades inside it’s a whip route to the pylon; if he shades outside it’s a drag. Smart game planning.
  9. It’s the NFL; any given Sunday. Harken back to week 3 of 2018, when a 2-0 Vikings team was a 17-point favorite hosting an 0-2 team that had been out scored 78-23 in their first two games, with a raw rookie QB making his 2nd start... That 2-0 team got absolutely smoked, scoring a garbage time TD in a 27-6 loss. Any. Given. Sunday. Just win baby.
  10. Production-wise they’re nearly identical this year. Both have 1 sack, both have 1 TFL. Shaq has 8 QB hits to Murphy’s 3; Murphy has 8 solo tackles to Shaq’s 3.
  11. The notion that the RB is cutting off of the LB’s gap shoot is the questionable part. That’s not what the RB does. He cuts off the blocker, and the blocker is schemed to create a specific lane. “Just go where Edmunds isn’t” is not in any offensive coordinator’s playbook; I promise.
  12. “run the play until you see him choose a gap, then just go the other way”... Wait, so opponents can just re-route their entire blocking scheme and play design mid-play based upon which gap Edmunds shoots? No.
  13. They tried to get him in the offseason; not much of a surprise.
  14. That’s quite a characterization for a game where the team jumped out to a 21-0 Lead and it literally never got to within a single score at any point in time.
  15. Have they played a weak opponent yet this year? If so, what happened?
  16. He hasn’t? Hyperbole is some kinda thing around here
  17. People should watch the tape...I believe that at least some of your opinions would be affected by it
  18. Style points aren’t worth anything...sure, it’s fun to see a blowout. They count the same in the end. JWB
  19. Hmmm...this can’t be right; I was told that I don’t know what I’m talking about regarding guard play when I said that the guards have been brutal
  20. Meh, they just need to win.
  21. What exactly constitutes a “soft coaching staff”?
  22. Tre won’t be on Crowder. They’re probably going to play straight zone and funnel to Crowder in the slot.
  23. All of that is true...and my point is that the back to back losses against the Colts and Texas early on, which came in the midst of losing 3 of 5 games, counted all the same, yet didn’t end up dooming them. That’s all my point was: there’s no reason to write this team off.
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