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Everything posted by JESSEFEFFER

  1. Here is the Next Gen Stats "dot diagram" or whatever they call it, of the play. I think these are fun to look to see how everyone responded to the play. NGS field diagram of the play
  2. I did a search to find which of the Gramatica kickers hurt himself celebrating (Bill on a 42 yard, 1st quarter field goal) and found this: 23 Athletes Injured While Celebrating Last one I saw that made me think of this was when Mongo pile drove Lee Smith after his TD catch.
  3. Buffalo Bills on Twitter: "TARON JOHNSON PICK SIX‼️ 📺 #BALvsBUF: https://t.co/VqXMJDH1vI https://t.co/WjuPWerVod" / Twitter Best resolution is at ;55
  4. Next Gen Stats had Justin at 18.5+ mph and the only DT clocked higher this season is Aaron Donald. Justin was the first Bill to get to Taron for the celebration and, more importantly, I think he tipped that pass. The deflection slowed it down and made it land short. If so, I would want him written into the story of one of the biggest plays in Bills history.
  5. Maybe is still upset from when Jim Haslet cleated his bald melon. He does have a history of holding grudges for excessive lengths of time. Haslet Spikes Bradshaw
  6. Another one going on in the aisle. Do not mess with a man's hat.
  7. I have read posts here that someone was watching with their pastor during his rant and another whose wife used language that he had never heard her use before. I think there were similar rants all over Bills' viewership. It was not my best moment either. We probably need a name for it like the Road Rage term used for drivers. NFL refs screwing around with my team again rage. Maybe Riveron Rage.
  8. It was at 2:37 PM because I made special note of it should I want to find it in their audio vault.
  9. In any particular game, it's almost impossible to find a consensus on a "Josh's best throw." Too many are great for a multitude of different reasons. I would not have picked the OP's choice as the best from this game. It would have to be one of the throws to Gabriel Davis on the last drive of the 1st half. Moving platforms to a moving target inches from the sideline. But, lucky us, we can enjoy many wow! throws every game.
  10. His go to move is the stiff arm which means the ball is secured by only one while he is fighting off defenders. I doubt he actually fumbled more often than other QBs this year but they tend to look different based on his style. Someone would have to show me the numbers.
  11. Maybe you have gotten an answer, but my stepdaughter tells me that the right answer is Allstars in Port Charlotte. She is here in WNY visiting now but will be back there for the game on Saturday. Filled with mostly relocated WNYers and the food is spot on. She lives near Fort Myers and this place is 45 minutes away from her. She is happy about the time slot because she will finish work in time to make it there. If you make it there, her name is Mickaela if you want to say hello. I found this: Buffalo Bills Backers of Charlotte County on Facebook
  12. This is the part of the e-mail I received which doesn't seem consistent with your experience: Playoff Ticket On-Sale Date and Time: 01/11/2021 1:30pm If you sign in before your designated time, you will not have access to see the event and will need to sign out and sign back in. Purchase Tickets Please use Google Chrome browser on a desktop or laptop. The site is not accessible on a mobile phone.
  13. Root against Baker. It's easy to do and you'll feel much better about it.
  14. Two teammates competing for the same ball often goes badly. He deferred to Conner, imo.
  15. He did not tuck the ball yet. That would be the football move I'd want to see.
  16. Wow. Trubisky did not even read that play. Threw to the underneath, well covered guy.
  17. I was wrong. The point touched and the ball bounced before possession.
  18. Apoplectic then apologetic after a few days. He has said that he needs to lay off the refs and that's how he got ejected from his last game in the NFL.
  19. The Bears kicker was with the Titans last year and had the 0 for 5 vs. the Bills.
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